ISO9001认证 对交易过程防错工具有哪些? 发布时间: 2022-01-14 19:32 点击:
ISO9001认证 对交易过程防错工具有哪些?
What are the error proofing tools of ISO9001 certification for the transaction process?
(1) 文件的确认和批准
(1) Confirmation and approval of documents
The transaction process often involves various documents, and the key errors in the documents may lead to huge losses. If one more zero or one less zero is added to the purchase amount column in the purchase contract, it will cause great losses to the buyer or the seller. Through the document confirmation and approval procedures, contract errors can be effectively prevented.
(2) 电子表格
(2) Spreadsheet
The document is standardized and made into spreadsheet form. The menu dialog box is adopted, and the date and time are automatically generated. Just fill in the key data or text. In this way, the number of defects is greatly reduced, and the probability of defects is reduced.
It should be pointed out that the comprehensive application of the above error proofing tools according to the actual operation has achieved obvious results.
1998年至今 ISO认证/企业资质服务 直办非中介 全国接单 远程或就近安排审核
1.诚聘专兼职审核员(全国/满足条件可定向培养); 专职咨询老师/专职市场专员(成都) ,年薪10-35万