ISO9000认证质量体系的建立、实施和改进 发布时间: 2012-01-03 13:52 点击:

ISO9000 quality certification system establishment, implementation and improvement

建立、完善质量体系一般要经历质量体系的策划与设计,质量体系文件的编制、质量体系的试运行,质量体系审核和评审等阶段,每个阶段又可分为若干具体步骤, “六段十二步”工作方法是建立ISO9000质量管理体系程序化和规范化的系统步骤,此方法可结合企业具体情况做相应的调整。
Establishing, perfecting quality system will generally experience quality system planning and designing, compiling documents of quality system, quality system commissioning, quality system audit and evaluation stages, each stage can be divided into several steps," six step twelve" working method is to establish ISO9000 quality management system program and standardization the system steps, this method can be combined with the specific circumstances of enterprises make corresponding adjustment.
One, diagnostic investigation, to adjust resources
Two, the training starts, system planning
Three, prepare documents, issuing operation
Four, rectification and improvement of audit review,
Five, consolidate improvements, a formal audit
Six, improve the summary, continuous improvement
One, diagnostic investigation, to adjust resources:
(一) 调查了解: 实地调查企业现况、产品现况,填制《调查记录》  
( a ) to investigate: field survey enterprise status, product status, fill in" records"
1 management interviews
2 field investigations in the diagnosis of
A and field staff to talk, understand the situation;
B 现场观察
B field observation
C. Check the scene file and record;
D. Truthfully record the system running status
Finishing 3 findings, summarizes the working train of thought
(二)诊断摸底: 了解企业现况与标准的差距,明确工作重点。  
( two) the diagnosis diagnostic: understanding enterprise status and the standard difference, make clear working key.
Investigation and Analysis on the current aim is to reasonably select the system elements, including:
Analysis of 1 system. The analysis of the organization of the quality system, according to the quality system quality system requirements to choose.
2 product characteristic analysis. The analysis of the products of technology intensive degree, technical requirements, product safety features, to identify elements of the degree.
3 organizational structure analysis. Organization management organization is to adapt the need of quality system. We should establish and quality system is adapted to the structure and to establish the responsibilities of various departments and authorities.
4 production equipment and testing equipment can meet the relevant requirements of quality system.
5 the technical, management and operations staff composition, structure and level analysis.
6.管理基础工作情况分析。即标准化、计量、质量责任制、质量教育和质量信息等工作的分析。  7.工作环境的适应性
6 basic management work analysis. The standardization, metrology, quality system of job responsibility, quality education and quality of information work analysis. 7 work environment adaptability
The above can be taken with the standard quality system requirements for comparative analysis.
( three) adjustment of resource
In an organization in quality management, and other management functions. Organization because of historical evolution and most not by quality objective law to set the corresponding functions, so to implement quality system elements and expanded into the corresponding quality activities, must be quality activities in the corresponding responsibilities and privileges assigned to each function branch.
Generally speaking, a quality functions can be responsible for or involved in a number of quality activities, but don't let a quality activity consists of multiple functional departments to be responsible for.
At present our country enterprise existing departments of quality management activities, responsibilities, the role is generally not ideal, in general should be strengthened. In the event the unfolding process, must be related to the corresponding hardware, software and personnel, according to the need of proper allocation and full.
二、培训起步, 系统策划
Two, the training starts, system planning
( a ) the full ISO9000 basic knowledge training
The 1 objective of the training
A. ISO9000 to understand the basic knowledge and enterprise to carry out ISO9000 significance;
B. ISO9000 understanding of the contents and basic requirements of family standards;
C. ISO9000 system establishment and implementation;
2 learning content:
A. ISO9000基础知识(2H)
A . ISO9000 knowledge base ( 2H )
B. ISO9000八项原则、十二项原理、四种方法、两个基本目的  (3H)       
B . ISO9000 eight principles, twelve principles, four methods, two basic purposes ( 3H )
C.ISO9000 terminology ( 1H )
The D.ISO9001 standard understanding ( 9H )
E. How to compile the quality system documents ( 2H )
F. The establishment of quality management system, implementation and improvement ( 2H )
3.说明: 质量体系建立和完善的过程,是始于教育,终于教育的过程,也是提高认识和统一认识的过程,教育培训要分层次,循序渐进地进行。
3: quality system build and perfect process, is in education, finally the process of education, but also to raise awareness and understanding of the process, training level, step by step for.
A. The first level is decision-making layer leads.
The main training:
Through the introduction of the history of quality management, build, perfect quality system and the urgency and importance of;
Through the ISO9000 standards overall presentation, improve according to national ( International ) standards to establish quality system knowledge.
Through the quality system elements on ( focus should be on" management" and other general elements ), clear decision-making leadership in quality system construction in the key position and leading role.
B. 第二层次为管理层,重点是管理、技术和生产部门的负责人,以及与建立质量体系有关的工作人员。这一层次的人员是建设、完善质量体系的骨干力量,起着承上启下的作用,要使他们全面接受ISO9000族标准有关内容的培训,在方法上可采取讲解与研讨结合,理论与实践结合.   
B. Second level of management, focus on management, technology and production departments, and the establishment of quality system related staff. This level of personnel is construction, improve the quality system backbone, played the role of connecting link, to make them fully accepted the ISO9000 standards about the content of the training, the method can be adopted to explain and research combined together, the combination of theory and practice.
C. Third levels as executive layer, namely the product quality and the whole process of the formation of the workers. On the level of personnel training and the post quality activities regarding content, including the quality activities should undertake the duty, to complete the task should be given permission, as well as the cause of quality fault should assume responsibilities.
(二) 建立推行组织
( two) to establish the implementation of organizational
1 Top Management Emphasis
Take the lead in learning basic knowledge of ISO9000 A;
B. Actively promoting the company standards;
The C. The organization of the human and material support; 2 to set up ISO9000 Implementation Committee
A. Set up a leading group, main leader should participate in the;
B. The appointment of management representative, responsible for the standard duty:
Ensuring that processes needed for the quality management system are established, implemented and maintained;
Reporting to top management on the performance of the quality management system and any need for improvement;
Ensuring the promotion of awareness of customer requirements;
Also may include a quality system issues with the external body contact.
C. Make" ISO 9000 Committee and appointment of management representative"
( three) the system planning, functional division
1. 确定《组织结构图》  
1 determine the" structure"
2. 确定《各部门职责和权限》    
2 identified" departmental responsibilities and authority"
A. The duties of each department should cover the standard requirements.
B. All departments have clear responsibilities.
C. The work of various departments have reasonable cohesion.
D functions form a written document, and after full discussion.
E. Should be concerned the quality planning, control, coordination, check, improved work reflected.
3 determine the work plan, work plan and develop"""" monthly plan
4 determine the system file list file list, making" system"
A. A list of original documents and records list
B. Clear which the old file invalid, which retained
C. Determine system must file list
5 determine the division responsible for the writing system documentation departments and personnel, establish" responsibility assignment table"
So far the work completed.
Three, prepare documents, issuing operation
( a ) to write file
1 according to the list of documents and implement the writing duties to draft a document
A quality manual:
Be concise and to the point that an organization how to implement ISO9000 elements;
B program file:
职责清晰, 清楚描述各个活动流程的过程、涉及的部门/人员,相关的文件记录.      
Clear responsibilities, a clear description of each activity process, involving the departments / personnel, related records.
C. Operation file: clear operational steps, control points, the matters needing attention.
D.质量记录表格: 设计科学合理,提供的数据有明确的作用。    
D. Quality record form : a scientific and rational design, provide data with a clear role.
2. 为了使所编制的质量体系文件做到协调、统一,在编制前应将现行的质量手册(如果已编制)、企业标准、规章制度、管理办法以及记录表各等收集在一起,与策划的《质量体系文件一览表》进行比较,从而确定新编、增编或修订质量体系文件项目。    
2 in order to make the quality system file to achieve coordination, unity, in the preparation before the quality manual ( if have compiled ), enterprise standards, rules and regulations, management and record all collected together, and planning of the" quality system documents list" for comparison, thereby defining new, add knitting or revision of quality system documentation project.
3 in order to improve the quality system document preparation efficiency, reducing rework, the documentation process to strengthen the file hierarchy, the coordination between documents. Despite this, a set of quality good quality system documents are subject to top-down and bottom-up repeatedly.
4.编制质量体系文件的关键是讲求实效,不走形式。既要从总体上和原则上满足 ISO9000族标准,又要在方法上和具体做法上符合本单位的实际,满足符合性、适用性、有效性和充分性等要求。
4 the preparation of quality system documentation is the key to effective, do not take a form. Not only from the general principles and meet ISO9000 standard, and on the methods and specific practices consistent with this unit actual, meet compliance, applicability, effectiveness and sufficiency requirements.
( two) documents discuss
1. 在顾问的配合下,进行标准符合性及内容适用性和充分性讨论和检讨;    
In cooperation with the 1 consultants, for conformity to the standard and content of applicability and full discussion and review;
2. 管理层对文件系统进行评审确认
2 the management of the file system on the review to confirm
(三)文件管制部门进行文件登录和发放管理工作,包括: 审核、批准\复印、装订、受控、登记、发效、签收等
( three) document control department for document log and release management work, including: audit, approval \ copy, binding, controlled, registration, effect, such as receiving
( four) extend operation
1 system file training, propaganda work
2 implementation and inspection system control effectiveness, improve the management
3 in the quality system running process, should have caught mainly the following work:
A.有针对性地宣贯质量体系文件。使全体职工认识到新建立或完善的 质量体系是对过去质量体系的变革,是为了向国际标准接轨,要适应这种变革就必须认真学习、贯彻质量体系文件。
A targeted promotion of quality system documents. Make all worker to recognize the new build or improve the quality system quality system change to the past, to international standards, to adapt to this change must learn seriously, carry out the quality system documents.
B. Practice is the sole criterion for testing truth. System file through the trial operation will appear a few problems, all employees, from the practical problems and improving opinion reflect to the relevant departments, so that corrective measures.
C. The system in trial operation exposed the problem, such as system design week, not congruent coordinate, improvement project.
D. Strong information management system, is not only a test run to their own needs, but also guarantee the successful trial run key. All quality activities related to personnel should according to the system documentation requirements, good quality information collection, analysis, transmission, feedback, processing and archiving.
Four, rectification and improvement of audit review,
( a ) training auditors: training and assessment, qualified certification
( two) the organization of internal quality audit
1. 步骤:       
1 steps:
A. Planning the internal audit activity, the appointment of the internal audit team leader, an audit group
B. The preparation of audit programs
C document review
D on-site audit.
E. Summary, report the audit results
F. Relevant departments to implement corrective and preventive action
G. Follow up and verify the implementation effect
H. The completion of the audit report
2. 质量体系审核在体系建立的初始阶段往往更加重要。
2 quality system audit in the system to establish the initial stage are often more important.
At this stage, quality system audit is the main focus, verification and validation system documents the applicability and effectiveness.
A audits and reviews the main content includes:
Provision of a quality policy and quality objectives is feasible
System file covers all the major quality activities, various files between interface is clear;
Organization structure can meet the need of quality system operation, departmental door, each post quality responsibility is clear;
Quality system element selection is reasonable;
Specified quality record whether it can play a role of witness
All staff is developed according to the system of file operations or work habits, executive circumstance how.
B. The phase of system audit is characteristic:
System during normal operation of the system, focus on the conformity, in the trial operation stage, usually will meet and applicability of combine;
In order to make the problem as much as possible in the trial operation stage completely unmasked, in addition to the organization's audit team to conduct a formal audit, also have the participation of broad worker, encourage them through the trial operation of the practice, and put forward that the problem;
In the test run of each phase, should generally be formal arrangements for an audit, so that timely find problems were corrected, to some major issue can also be based on need, timely organization review;
During the trial run of all elements of audit coverage;
Give full consideration to the product guarantee;
In the internal audit basis, from top management to organize a system review.
The C. It should be stressed, in the continuous improvement of the quality system is to improve, the quality system in normal operation, still need to adopt the internal audits, management reviews and other means to make quality system to maintain and continue to improve.
(三)组织管理评审活动 ,以评价体系的有效性适用性和充分性。
( three) the organization of management review activities, in order to evaluate the validity of system suitability and adequacy.
(four ) according to the file and the system operation to improve.
Five, consolidate improvements, a formal audit
( a ) the various departments of the work of self-examination and self-correction, on-site reorganizes the (two ) face of pretrial preparation work
( three) audits, through certification, certificate six, summary rises, continuous improvement
( a ) a systematic review, summarize and improve awareness and management means
( two) the system operation, continuing education and training
( three) formation of self-improvement and continuous improvement system