HSE管理体系认证案例:呼和浩特石化公司铁路车间建立HSE管理体系 发布时间: 2011-12-28 18:57 点击:

HSE management system certification case: Hohhot Petrochemical Company Railway workshop the methods of establishing HSE management system and effect
职业健康安全环保管理体系在呼和浩特石化公司铁路车间正式开始建立运行以来,在生产作业过程中,立足标准化管理,突出标准化现场,强化标准化操作,不断夯实安全环保管理基础,全面提升生产现场HSE管理,创建了HSE管理长效机制。在呼和浩特石化公司的指导和帮助下,经过全体职工的共同努力,自体系建立运行至今,未发生一起铁路运输安全、环境污染及造成员工伤害的事故,实现了“零伤亡、零事故、零污染”, 安全顺利地完成了呼和浩特石化公司下达的各项运输生产经营指标,为呼和浩特石化公司HSE管理体系在基层的平稳运行奠定了基础。?
Occupation health safety and environmental management system in Hohhot Petrochemical Company Railway shop officially started operation since, in the production process, based on standardized management, highlighting standardization field, strengthen the standardized operation, safety and environmental management constantly tamp foundation, comprehensively enhance the production site HSE management, to create the HSE management mechanism. In Hohhot Petrochemical Company guidance and help, through the joint efforts of all employees, since the system is set up and running now, has not occurred in the railway transportation safety, environmental pollution and damage caused by the accident of employees, realize" zero loss, zero accident, zero pollution", safety and successfully completed the Hohhot Petrochemical Company issued various transport production and operation targets, Hohhot Petrochemical Company for HSE management system at the grassroots level running smoothly laid a foundation. Tobacco
  1 健全HSE管理体系,实现规范化管理 ?
1 sound of HSE management system, standardized management"
According to the HSE system documentation requirements, combined with the actual characteristics of railway transport production, Hohhot Petrochemical Company Railway workshop build perfect all kinds of railway transportation safety management system, safety operation procedure, operation specification of equipment maintenance and repair procedures, and in the production process of the gradual revision. At the same time, combined with the railway transportation post setting and the function division of labor, establish and improve the post safety responsibility system of environmental protection, clear leadership, management, professional and technical personnel of post operation management duties, ensure that the HSE management system operation. The
At the beginning of each year, Hohhot Petrochemical Railway HSE person of the first responsibility to Hohhot Petrochemical Company signed a" HSE" shape of responsibility, clear annual HSE control index. According to ranking requirement, will work the target down to every level, unit of person of the first responsibility and in charge of deputies, safety engineer, engineer, class and group leaders to sign responsibility form; team leader and a staff sign responsibility form, ensure that the HSE target decomposition end longitudinal, transverse to the edge, will be the responsibility and pressure to form layers of transmission, the "full participation, shared responsibility " the work. Tobacco
  2 重视职业HSE培训教育,提高员工的HSE意识 ?
2 valued occupation HSE training, improve staff awareness of HSE"
To improve the management of HSE management level and staff safety operation skills and safety consciousness, farther normative employee safety operation, on the basis of Hohhot Petrochemical Company overall job deploy, Hohhot Petrochemical Company Railway workshops at the beginning of each year according to the characteristics of the development of railway transport HSE annual training plan and organize the implementation of. Training mode and education content mainly includes the following aspects: Tobacco
  2.1 明确培训重点 ?
2.1 define training emphasis"
To determine the railway HSE system files," railroad technology assessment."," railway station tube rules"," rules for railway technical management" and the post safety operation, the post safety responsibility system of environmental protection and emergency as the focus of the training content. Tobacco
  2.2 明确培训职责 ?
2.2 clear training duties"
Unit of first human responsibility training supervisor, safety engineer is responsible to organize, monitor and operation engineer responsible for implementation of each team in the team, according to the actual conditions and each employee's skills training, to ensure the quality of training. Tobacco
  2.3 采取多种方式促进培训工作的开展 ?
2.3 take a variety of ways to promote the training of the
Training activities take mainly self-taught, masters and students, focused counseling way; take "training card"," a problem"," a gang of one", audio-visual and other forms of. Tobacco
  2.4 结合日常培训,有序开展技术练兵活动 ?
2.4 combined with the daily training, technical training activities carried out within the
In the daily staff training on the basis of, close to the actual production, the organization in order to position the business skills, safety and environmental protection knowledge and safety responsibility system of environmental protection study, risk plans to drill as the focus of the training activity. Tobacco
  2.5 定期向员工发放HSE学习材料,切实抓好HSE的宣贯活动 ?
2.5 regularly to the staff of HSE learning materials, cogent catch good HSE publicizing activities"
Make full use of billboards, newspaper and other media, to carry out the daily HSE publicity and education. Tobacco
  3 强化现场风险管理?
3 strengthening of risk management in tobacco
  3.1 开展全员危害辨识与风险评价工作 ?
3.1 full of hazard identification and risk assessment work"
Hohhot Petrochemical Company Railway workshops is a railway transport department, set car services, maintenance, engineering, electricity, vehicles and other 5 systems 10 jobs in one, assuming Hohhot Petrochemical Company all of the crude oil, refined oil, liquefied petroleum gas and other flammable and explosive goods transport tasks, therefore, each year the unit organize related personnel of which 5 system 10 jobs a hazard identification, according to categories of accidents, equipment and facilities, process of shunting locomotive operation, sending and receiving, car, train and railway line, railway signal for hazard identification. To identify the risk factors, timely improve hazard checklist, and strengthen the process of monitoring, and develop the implementation of abatement and control measures. Tobacco
  3.2 开展危害辨识培训教育 ?
The 3.2 conducting hazard identification training and education"
Continuously improve staff recognition and risk prevention capacity, and in staff positions in the implementation of " harm identification and hazard registration" system, to mobilize the staff participate in hazard identification activities. Tobacco
  3.3 落实作业许可制度 ?
3.3 implement work permit system"
In the locomotive overhaul hoisting operations, fire, signal of high-altitude dangerous operations such as before, must apply for work permit approval procedures, making HSE prevention and emergency measures, and implement the emergency drill, while the field operation personnel work, ensure safe operation. Tobacco
  4 加强事故风险应急管理 ?
4 strengthening accident risk management"
In order to effectively guarantee the safety of life and property of the people, due to a sudden accident causing losses to a minimum, Hohhot Petrochemical Company Railway Workshop on railway transportation operation process may lead to unexpected events, the railway transportation five systems according to working out the" train on operation risk plan" and other 14 kinds of risks of safety and environmental pollution special emergency plan, establish and improve emergency rescue system, guarantee the emergency rescue facilities, equipment, materials reserve, and regularly check, make sure that it is in good working condition. At the same time, and constantly strengthen staff emergency education training, planning staff regularly organizes to carry out emergency exercises, to urge the staff to understand the position of emergency plan, master the emergency disposal procedures and rescue measures, enhance the emergency handling ability. Tobacco
  5 反“三违”,杜绝违章?
5 -" Three-violations", put an end to the illegal tobacco
  5.1 加大安全监督检查力度 ?
5.1 strengthening the safety supervision and inspection efforts"
Hohhot Petrochemical Company Railway workshop in order to increase efforts to implement the operation of HSE founded HSE safety supervision and inspection team, unit leader weekly personally led the field comprehensive examination, HSE safety supervision and inspection team every day adhere to conduct daily safety inspection found problems in a timely manner, correct assessment, the formation of a good anti" violation" of the atmosphere. Tobacco
  5.2 加大“三违”行为查处力度 ?
5.2 increase " three violations of the rules" punishment"
  制定并严格实施《铁路车间员工业绩管理考核办法》,将违章和避免事故与业绩奖励工资挂钩。自2005年5月开展与业绩奖励挂钩以来截至目前,共查处违章人员46人次,处罚金额5 250余元,奖励165人次,金额7 460余元,“三违”行为得到了有效控制。?
Strict implementation of" railway workshop staff performance management assessment methods", will violate the rules and regulations and avoid accidents and performance incentive wages linked to. Since 2005 May development and performance incentives linked to so far, investigate illegal personnel 46 person-time, punishment amount more than 5250 yuan, reward 165 person-time, the amount of 7460 yuan," three violations of the rules" has been effectively controlled. Tobacco
  5.3 强化违章管理 ?
5.3 strengthen the violation"
Establishing illegal, avoid accident management accounting, implementation of performance evaluation and reward, performing monthly monthly bulletin system, from the source to develop preventive measures, and constantly standardized operation of the staff behavior, enhance staff compliance Shouji conscientiousness, gradually reduce the phenomenon of violate the rules and regulations.

6 加强防火防爆、环境保护、职业健康的管理?
6 strengthening of fire and explosion prevention, environmental protection, occupation health management of tobacco
  6.1 加强防火防爆管理 ?
6.1 strengthening the management department of fire and explosion
As a result of Hohhot Petrochemical Company rail transport of goods are all crude oil, oil products, liquefied petroleum gas and other flammable and explosive substances, directed transport properties of different locations and medium fire emergency rescue plan, set up a compulsory fire team, regularly every year to carry out fire emergency drills, and combined exercises, to the staff about fire extinguishers, fire type performance, using method and fire precautions, improve staff awareness and prevention of fire and explosion, fire self-rescue and mutual rescue and emergency handling ability. Tobacco
  6.2 加强环境保护工作 ?
6.2, strengthen the environmental protection work"
Combined with the actual production, to develop and implement effective environmental protection measures. In the oil transportation process, strengthen the publicity and education of environmental protection, and consciously protect the operation site and along the railway in the surrounding environment, take effective measures to control the locomotive run risk a leakage phenomenon, the timely recovery vehicle consumption fixed waste, locomotive waste oil and garbage, from the source to eliminate environmental pollution and ecological destruction. The preparation of the " railway workshop environment pollution contingency plan", at the same time, recurrent strengthen environmental protection education, spread the knowledge of environmental protection, to create environmental atmosphere, enhance staff awareness of environmental protection. Tobacco
  6.3 加强职业健康管理 ?
6.3 strengthen the occupation health management"
Adhere to the "people-oriented " ideology, employee health is above everything. Efforts to improve the living environment of workers, on the difficult post operating room air conditioning, set employee bathroom; to strengthen the management of employee health, regularly organizing all workers to participate in Hohhot Petrochemical Company arrangement of the health examination, establish personal health records, to timely care for sick staff sympathy; the is engaged in special operations staff is equipped with personal protective labour supplies, improve employee protection capability; the recurrent to carry out cultural and recreational activities, active physical and mental health staff. Tobacco
  7 加强相关方HSE管理,保持良好的合作关系 ?
7 strengthening the party HSE management, to maintain good relations of cooperation"
Since 2007, Hohhot Petrochemical Company has continuously increased in railway sector investment, locomotive, line, the railway crossing signal, the repair of external Commission projects increase year by year, due in part to the construction unit of the HSE management can not adapt, personnel quality is irregular, temporary employees are caused by personnel mobility, which become the safety management key point and the difficulty, to effectively ensure the construction security, Hohhot Petrochemical Company strictly implement railway Workshop on related HSE management, focus on the following work: Tobacco
  7.1 严格把好进入关 ?
7.1 strict entry clearance"
The implementation of market access system, on the quality, safety production license, equipment and facilities and special personnel documented verification, vetting and approval before it can enter. Tobacco
  7.2 明确管理主体 ?
7.2 definitive management main body"
Timely signing" safe production agreement", of clear both sides in safe production respect the rights, responsibilities and obligations, to ensure that the construction side in accordance with the implementation of HSE management. Tobacco
  7.3 加强沟通交流,强制安全培训 ?
7.3 strengthening the communication, mandatory safety training"
Related party in field work, organize the relevant departments and personnel to carry out" three class safety education", organize training, eligible and rear posts. At the same time, in every project before the construction requirement, make practical" two book a table", technical staff and its safety technical disclosure, to guide and regulate the production behavior. Tobacco
  7.4 加强过程监控,用制度管理 ?
7.4 strengthen the process of monitoring, with the system management"
In the process of construction, Hohhot Petrochemical Company Railway Workshop on relevant parties to conduct regular and irregular safety supervision and inspection, appoint special safety supervision personnel in charge of safety supervision, and timely correct and stop illegal behavior, investigation and management of accident hidden danger, effectively all kinds of production safety accidents, ensure the smooth operation of HSE. Tobacco
  8 建立HSE管理体系所取得的成绩?
In 8 the establishment of HSE management system the achievements of tobacco
  8.1 成功实现了连续四年安全无事故 ?
8.1 successfully achieved four consecutive years safe"
All of one mind, breaking the benefits, Hohhot Petrochemical Company Railway workshops since 2004 through the efforts of all staff, adhere to continuous improvement and operation of HSE management system, has for four consecutive years of production safety accident, realized railroad to carry" zero loss, zero pollution, zero accident", created a workshop organized continuously since the accident free new record. Tobacco
  8.2 员工的HSE意识明显提高 ?
8.2 employees of the HSE consciousness rises apparently"
Through the unremittingly pursuing HSE management system, to strengthen training and strict on-site supervision and inspection on the basis of all the staff and regular, and the call of Petrochemical Railway cooperation of related units of HSE awareness have been obviously improved, related parties responsible people began to take the initiative to care about HSE work, seriously study relevant HSE regulations, employee" violation" behavior gradually reduced, the production line of HSE management level than the system initially had apparent progress. Tobacco
  9 结束语 ?
9 - the end
In the traditional safety and environmental management, safety and environmental management merely relying on accident and exist, often neglected in the process of production potential of many of the risk factors and hidden trouble, cause people to safety and environmental management put main energy in the event of an accident, how to draw lessons from and prevention of accidents occur,, but for the accident prevention in the passive state management. Since the HSE management system in Hohhot Petrochemical Company Railway workshop began to establish and implement the inception, the units in accordance with the HSE management system, strengthen a comprehensive assessment of accident, subtractive, prediction and prevention, change from passive to active. Outburst prevention, leadership commitment, full participation, continuous improvement HSE scientific management ideas, accomplished one of the railway transport for many years" zero loss, zero pollution, zero accident" target, Hohhot Petrochemical Company for the safe and stable production made contribution.