北京工业大学顺利通过GJB9001国军标质量管理体系认证现场审核 发布时间: 2011-10-09 12:34 点击:

Beijing University of Technology smoothly through the GJB9001 national military standard quality management system certification audit
The military standard quality management system certification audit feedback in the science building room 423 was held. Beijing Municipal Education Commission deputy director Zhang Guohua, group of examine and verify all experts, army the delegate attended the meeting. Our school principal Fan Boyuan, Secretary of the Party committee chong-zheng sun, vice president Zhang Ailin, Lu Zhenyang, the Department of science and technology, computer science, materials science, laser research institute and other departments, quality management system covered under the relevant personnel to attend the meeting. Han Wenbin presided over the conference by the audit team leader.
Han Wenbin first represented the audit team leader to my school report audit results. According to the on-site audit obtain objective evidence, and with the consent of the representatives of army, audit group think, school leadership attaches great importance to the construction of quality management system and improve the work, responsibility and commitment are better implemented, staff quality consciousness is strong, for the quality management system certification to do a lot of work. The quality policy and target suitability, quality objectives have been completed according to plan, the quality management system documentation is basically consistent with the standard requirements, and implementation. The allocation of resources to meet the current operation of quality management system requirements, identify the processes needed for product realization, design, development, production process is basically controlled, products, quality of service to meet the contract and specification requirements, customers on product quality evaluation is very good, is satisfied with the service. According to the plan of the internal audit and management review, has the certain ability to self-improvement, the system can run continuously, the basic operation effectively. At the same time, the audit team also pointed out some weak links, such as the standard, quality management system document understanding is not accurate enough, the need to further strengthen the product design, development, production and process control.
The site audit the discovery that civilian has 3 generally do not accord with the military, there are 9 general non-conformances, no serious non-conformance. In the school by the time of the completion of the rectification, and report the audit team written verification, recommend register.
Thereafter, Lu Zhenyang vice president said in a speech, although our school's passed audit group on-site audit, but there are still some problems in our work, therefore in the future we should constitute and implement rectification measures, closing nonconformities; at the same time the surveillance and tracking verification.
President Fan Boyuan first group of experts on three days hard work, rigorous work and to our continuous improvement of quality management system put forward opinions and suggestions thank. Van the president, school must be comprehensive, profoundly understand the opinion of experts, immediate rectification, good quality management system of continuous improvement, drive me to school with military standard quality management system to work as the benchmark for all work is carried out smoothly.