ISO/IEC17025国家实验室认可的认证认可程序 发布时间: 2011-10-05 17:20 点击:

ISO / IEC17025 National Laboratory Accreditation Accreditation Program
ISO / IEC17025 national laboratory accreditation is divided into three main stages: application, review, approval.
1、 恳求认可阶段:含实验室了解、掌握情况,讨取有关文件,提交国度实验室认可委恳求资料及上交恳求费等详细事宜;
In 1, for the recognition phase: including laboratory to understand, grasp the situation, obtained from the relevant documents, submit the National Laboratory Accreditation Committee for information and to pay an application fee and other specific matters;
2、 受理阶段:国度实验室认可委在上报资料后,正常情况下三个月后受理布置评审方案,若评审义务高峰期可以后延;
2, admissibility stage: the National Laboratory Accreditation Committee in the reporting of information, normally three months after receiving arrangement assessment plan, if the evaluation task of the peak may be deferred;
3、 评审阶段:国度实验室认可委选派评审员/技术专家,文件资料初审,评审组进场,现场评审,评审定论等项义务;
3, review: the National Laboratory Accreditation Committee selected assessors / technical experts, documents review, review group approach, on-site assessment, evaluation conclusion of work etc.;
4、 举荐阶段:经评审组审查虽存在普通不合格项,经实验室整改可定为举荐经过,即现场宣布审查举荐经过,准许实验室将不合格项中止整改,上报待查验评议;
4 stage: the review, recommend group examined are general unqualified, the laboratory rectification can be as recommended by the scene, which announced a review of recommended by, permitting the laboratory will be unqualified rectification, reporting for inspection appraisal;
5、 资料上报阶段:实验室对现场评审组提出的不契合项中止整改,经组长确认、国度实验室认可委评审处审查,计委会评论审议,普通在每个月20~30日国度实验室认可委召开技术委员会评审会议;
5, data reporting stage: Laboratory on site assessment group presented do not accord with a rectification, the team leader to confirm, the National Laboratory Accreditation Committee Review Review Committee will review, review, general 20 ~ 30 days in each month of the National Laboratory Accreditation Committee held a technical committee meeting;
6、 赞同发证阶段:若实验室上报整改资料经过上述四个环节审议后,转交实验室认可委评审处排队制造认可证书及认可项目参数附表,经国度实验室认可委秘书长签批后,方通知实验室领取认可证书。
In 6, approved the certification stage: if the laboratory report corrective information through the four aspects of deliberation, to laboratory accreditation committee review line at production approval certificates and the acceptance of the project parameter of schedule, by the National Laboratory Accreditation Committee Secretary-General signed, party notifies the laboratory for approval certificate.
Laboratory accreditation fees
The National Laboratory Accreditation Committee according to the following three charges and review fees charged accreditation fees:
7、 三项费用:恳求费(600元)、注册费(2000元)、标志运用费(1000元);恳求费在上报资料时交,注册费与标志运用费在评审经过时交;
In 7, the cost of three : the application fee ( $600 ), the registration fee ( $2000 ), mark use fee ($1000 ); an application fee to pay the registration fee information, and indications for the use of fees in the review by hand;
8、 评审费:按国度实验室认可委委派出到现场评审组人数的总人数乘以3000元/人/日中止收取;
8, evaluation fee : according to the National Laboratory Accreditation Committee to appoint to the site evaluation group number multiplied by the total number of 3000 yuan / person / day charge;
9、 差旅费:评审组成员在评审时期的食宿、交通及差旅费等由实验室承担;
9, travel: review team members during the evaluation of board and lodging, transportation and travel expenses by the laboratory undertakes;
The above charges in accreditation group scene through assessment, acceptance review laboratory make endorsement fees office.
The National Laboratory Accreditation for testing the ability of the requirements
1、 人员:检测人员完全按照标准方法的要求中止操作;
1: testing personnel, personnel completely in accordance with the standard method for operation;
2、 仪器设备:一切仪器设备的精度/准确度契合方法或规范的要求,应该检定/校准的仪器设备必需经过检定/校准,并不要求仪器设备的先进性;                    
2, equipment: all equipment precision / accuracy accord with the methods or requirements, should verification / calibration equipment must go through the verification / calibration, does not require instrumentation equipment;
3、 环境条件:配备环境条件控制设备,有环境条件的监控记载,使环境条件契合方法和仪器设备本身的要求。