管理者最重要的12种品格 发布时间: 2021-08-05 14:34 点击:
The 12 most important qualities of managers
1. 忠诚、总是站在老板的立场上思考问题。
1. Be loyal and always think from the standpoint of the boss.
2. 敬业、提供超出报酬的服务与努力。
2. Dedication, providing services and efforts beyond remuneration.
3. 积极、从“要我做”到“我要做”。
3. Positive, from "want me to do" to "I want to do".
4. 负责、让问题的皮球止于你。
4. Be responsible and let the ball of problems stop at you.
5. 效率、跟穷忙瞎忙说再见。
5. Be efficient and say goodbye to the poor and busy.
6. 结果、一开始就要想怎样把事情做成。
6. As a result, you should think about how to get things done at the beginning.
7. 沟通、带着方案去沟通,当面沟通,当场解决。
7. Communicate, communicate with solutions, communicate face-to-face and solve problems on the spot.
8. 团队、滴水融入大海,个人融入团队。
8. Team, dripping water into the sea, and individual into the team.
9. 进取、挤时间给自己增高、充电。
9. Be enterprising and squeeze time to increase and recharge yourself.
10. 低调、不要邀功请赏,成绩只是开始,荣誉当做动力。
10. Keep a low profile and don't ask for merit. Achievements are only the beginning, and honor is the driving force.
11. 成本、不浪费公司的资源,哪怕是一张纸。
11. Cost and do not waste the company's resources, even a piece of paper.
12. Be grateful and learn to be grateful. Work gives you not only rewards, but also opportunities to learn and grow.
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