HACCP/ISO22000认证问题及分析-显著危害和关键限值(CL)不明确 发布时间: 2011-12-03 14:53 点击:

HACCP / ISO22000 certification and analysis of significant hazards and critical limit ( CL ) are not clear
Significant hazards and critical limit ( CL ) are not clear
Examples: XX limited company of beverage of beverage production Central Plains ( auxiliary ) material receiving process ( CCP1 )" drug residues" this significant hazards and critical limit ( see page sixth XX. HACCP schedule )
CAC" HACCP system and guidelines for its application" stipulates:" the key limit value is to distinguish between acceptable and unacceptable levels of indexes, for each critical control points critical limits must be specified, and affirming that, in some cases and a particular step, to a more detailed description of key limit value."
XX HACCP limited company of beverage of beverage production plan, raw ( auxiliary ) material receiving process ( CCP1 ) to drug residue as a significant hazard, critical limits is the supplier to provide a health certificate or qualification test report ( imported raw materials reservation Commodity Inspection Bureau test analysis report ).
Here, there is no clear that a drug residues is significant, there is no provision for each drug maximum residue limits of CCP as its key, the control object and control standard are not clear, cause the CCP exists in name only.
Should be based on the hazard analysis results, explicitly listed as belonging to the significant hazards of drug names, and explicitly lists every drug allows maximum residue limit value as the key.