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ISO26000 如何理解社会责任这一概念 社会责任是指一个组织对社会应负的责任 发布时间: 2015-01-13 13:21 点击:

ISO26000 如何理解社会责任这一概念 社会责任是指一个组织对社会应负的责任
ISO26000 how to understand the social responsibility of the concept of social responsibility refers to the responsibility of an organization for the society
Social responsibility refers to the responsibility of an organization for the society. An organization should take a conducive to social mode of operation and management. Social responsibility is usually refers to the organization to bear the higher organizations own goal of social obligation.
If an enterprise not only bear the economic and legal obligations, but also bear the "pursuit of long-term goal of" good to social obligations, we say that the enterprise is a social responsibility.
The social responsibility of enterprise environmental protection, including the social and public interests and other aspects, composed of economic responsibility, sustainable development of responsibility, legal responsibility and moral responsibility.
Social responsibility is the specification of social law and economic law in the whole society to bear the responsibility of the individual, is the two element structure system composed of the role and obligation responsibility and legal responsibility. Responsibility can be divided into two kinds:
The first refers to the agent to do, such as a duty, responsibility, post responsibility etc.. This responsibility is actually a role obligation or liability is expected.
第二种是因没有做好份内之事(没有履行角色义务)或没有履行助长义务而应承担一定形式的不利后果或强制性义务,即过去责任,如违约责任、侵权责任等。   社会责任又可分为“积极责任”和“消极责任”。积极责任也叫做预期的社会责任,它要求个体采取积极行动,促成有利于社会(不特定多数人)的后果的产生或防止坏的结果的产生。
The second is due to did not do a good job of (did not fulfill the role obligation) or did not fulfill the obligation of contributing should assume some form of adverse consequences or mandatory obligation, namely the past liability, such as liability for breach of contract, tort liability. Social responsibility can be divided into "active duty" and "negative responsibility". Positive responsibility is also called the expected social responsibility, it requires the individual to take positive action, promote beneficial to society (unspecific majority) consequences of produce or prevent the bad results.
Negative responsibility or liability, legal liability of the past, it is only in the behavior of the individual to society produce harmful consequences, request remedy.
ISO26000 如何理解社会责任这一概念 社会责任是指一个组织对社会应负的责任
ISO26000 how to understand the social responsibility of the concept of social responsibility refers to the responsibility of an organization for the society