ISO三标一体 管理体系整合的技术要求 发布时间: 2020-01-07 23:32 点击:
ISO三标一体 管理体系整合的技术要求
Technical requirements for integration of ISO three standards integrated management system
Three systems certification, three standards integration, three standards integration, ISO certification, quality certification, certification company, certification agency, certification consulting company
Technical requirements for the integration of management system -- Basic mastery of quality, environment, occupational health and safety management system standard requirements
To integrate the quality, environment and occupational health and safety management system, first of all, we need to master the connotation of the three management system standard requirements. Only by understanding the standard requirements can we carry out meaningful integration, which can reflect the efficiency of the integrated management system.
The three management systems have their own independent management functions, which have both compatibility and obvious differences.
1. The three standards have different concerns
The quality management system focuses on products, customers and processes, and emphasizes customer satisfaction; the environmental management system focuses on social, regulatory and environmental factors, and emphasizes meeting the requirements of social and environmental protection; the occupational health and safety management system focuses on the employees within the management authority and the outsiders, laws, regulations and risks entering the site, and emphasizes meeting the requirements of employees' health and safety.
2. Different entry points of process control
The three management standards all adopt process mode management and process control. The core of quality management process is to manage the design, production and service process around product quality. The core of environmental management process is the control process of environmental factors, and the core of occupational health and safety management process is the risk control process.
3. Relevant laws, regulations and other requirements are different
All three standards require a commitment to comply with relevant laws and regulations. With the continuous progress of management science and society, our government puts forward the scientific development concept, which is to build a harmonious society based on people, change the economic development mode, realize sound and rapid economic development and sustainable development. Therefore, the laws, regulations and other requirements on quality, environment and occupational health and safety need to be paid attention to in order to establish an integrated management system Focus.
Three systems certification, three standards integration, three standards integration, ISO certification, quality certification, certification company, certification agency, certification consulting company