ISO14001认证审核的应用:ISO14010环境管理体系审核指南-通用原 发布时间: 2011-10-24 15:41 点击:

ISO14001 certification application: ISO14010 auditing of environmental management systems - General principles
引 言
Primed words
Environmental audit is to verify and improve environmental performance ( behavior ) was an important means of.
This standard to organization, the auditor and client to provide general principles guide on environmental audit. It provides information on the environmental audit and other related terms are defined and the general principle of environmental auditing.
This standard is one of series standards of environmental audit, present in the series also includes:
GB/T 24011-1996 环境审核指南 审核程序 环境管理体系审核
GB / T 240111996 environmental auditing - audit procedures - Auditing of environmental management systems
GB/T 24012-1996 环境审核指南 环境审核员资格要求
GB / T 240121996 guidelines for environmental auditing environmental auditor qualification requirements
Other standard series in future will continue to develop.
中 华 人 民 共 和 国 国 家 标 准
In China people the people and country standard.
环境审核指南 通用原则
Guidelines for environmental auditing -- General principles
Guidelines for environmental auditing
Guidelines for environmental auditing
-General principles
General principles
1 范围
1 range
This standard provides the environment audit general principle, it is applicable to various types of environmental audit. Under this standard definitions for the environmental audit activities, should meet the needs of standard recommended practice.
2 定义
2 Definition
The following definitions are suitable for this standard.
注:关于环境管理方面的术语与定义在ISO 14050中给出。
Note: on environmental management of terms and definitions are given in ISO 14050.
2.1 审核结论audit conclusion
Audit conclusion 2.1 audit conclusion
The auditor on audit subject matter of professional judgment or opinion, it should be based on and limited to the auditor to audit findings do demonstration.
2.2审核准则audit criteria
Audit criteria 2.2 audit criteria
The auditor is used as reference, and the collected about the subject matter of the audit evidence for comparison of the principles, practices, procedures or requirements.
Note: requirements can include ( but not limited to ) standard, guide, organization, law, regulations and other requirements.
2.3 审核证据audit evidence
Audit evidence 2.3 audit evidence
Facts about verifiable information, record or statement.
1 审核证据可以是定性的或定量的,供审核员用来判断是否符合审核准则。
1 audit evidence can be qualitative or quantitative, for the auditor to judge whether it meets the audit criteria.
2 审核证据通常来自审核范围内所进行的面谈、文件审阅、对活动与情况的观察、测量与试验结果或其他方法。
2 audit evidence audit scope are usually derived from the interviews, document review, the activity and the observation of the measurement and test results, or other methods.
2.4 审核发现audit findings
Check that the audit findings 2.4
Will collect audit evidence and audit criteria for comparison of the evaluation results.
Note: the audit findings audit report is prepared based on.
2.5 审核组audit team
2.5 audit group audit team
Delegated responsibility for audit of a group or an auditor, which may include technical expert and trainee auditors.
Note: the leader of the audit team by one auditor in the audit team as.
2.6 受审核方auditee
2.6 the auditee auditee
The audited organization.
2.7 环境审核员environmental auditor