伟邦顺利通过ISO14000环境管理体系认证 发布时间: 2011-11-01 02:29 点击:


Wei state successfully passed ISO14000 environmental management system certification
Wei Bang - bathroom TV leader, successfully passed ISO14000 environmental management system certification
As the world's favorite bathroom waterproof TV manufacturers, Wei state science and technology in 2011 August passed the ISO14000 environmental management system certification, solemn commitment and performance of Wei Bangren to work together to protect environment responsibility and obligation.
时下,有人奔走呼吁,有人赤身抗议……日益恶劣的生存环境,已成为时下全球最关注的话题。从“反污染、倡节约”运动,到废物利用,再到“地球一小时”活动,越来越多 的人开始意识到“空气推销员”和“洁净水连锁店”不应成为我们的未来。于是我们开始想方设法地把环保做到更好。
Nowadays, some people campaigning, a naked protest ... ... The deteriorating living environment, has become the world 's most concerned about the topic. From" anti pollution, and saving" movement, the waste utilization, and then to the" Earth Hour", more and more people are beginning to realize that" salesman" clean air" and Shui Liansuo's" should not be our future. So we started to try various devices to put environmental protection to do better.
In the environmental protection win support among the people at the same time, fashion environmental protection, science and technology to environmental protection has become the consensus of the pursuit, Wei technology is in fashion, science and technology and environmental protection efforts to strike a balance between the representative. As a bathroom waterproof tv representative, science and technology is the enterprise this, fashion is the unremitting pursuit, but environmental protection is a great nation company is a combination of technology and fashion, guarantee. Wei state always adhere to environmental protection consciousness of social responsibility, to allow consumers to enjoy fashion and technology brings happiness and worry about the problem of environmental protection, to provide the most comfortable enjoyment, this is the Wei state on the customer's brand promise.
Wei Bang has since, carefully in ISO9001 quality management system research and development, the production of bathroom waterproof LCD tv. By running the ISO14000 environment management system, the Wei state from raw material selection, project, product realization, the transport of products and other links are taking into account the influence of environment factors, to provide environmental protection and energy saving products.
The Hilton group, Starwood Hotels Group Intercontinental Hotel Group, and its many high-end international hotel brand with the Wei state science and technology cooperation, it is environmental protection, fashion and technology of combining the best certainly, but through the ISO14000 environmental management system certification is only the Wei state science and technology in the environmental protection on the road towards a solid step.