HACCP是什么英语单词的简称 发布时间: 2016-03-06 21:55 点击:
HACCP is the abbreviation of what English words
HACCP的定义HACCP是Hazard Analysis and Critical Control Point的缩写,-----即危害分析和关键控制点。国家标准GB/T15091-1994《食品工业基本术语》对其规定的定义是: 生产(加工)安全食品的一种控制手段;对原料、关键生产工序及影响产品安全的人为因素进行分析,确定加工过程中的关键环节,建立、完善监控程序和监控标准,采取规范的纠正措施。
HACCP is defined as Hazard Analysis HACCP and Critical Control Point acronym, that is, hazard analysis and critical control point. The national standard GB / t15091-1994 "fundamental terms of food industry" definition of its provisions is: the production (processing) and safety of food as a means of control; on the raw material, the key production processes and the influence of product safety human factors analysis, determine the key link in the processing process, establish and perfect monitoring program and monitoring standard, to standardize the corrective measures are taken.
International standard CAC/RCP-1 "food hygiene general 1997 revision 3 edition" definition of HACCP is: identification, evaluation and control of food safety hazards of a system.
较为常见的定义解释为: HACCP是对可能发生在食品加工环节中的危害进行评估,进而采取控制的一种预防性的食品安全控制体系。有别于传统的质量控制方法;HACCP是对原料、各生产工序中影响产品安全的各种因素进行分析,确定加工过程中的关键环节,建立并完善监控程序和监控标准,采取有效的纠正措施,将危害预防、消除或降低到消费者可接受水平,以确保食品加工者能为消费者提供更安全的食品。
The more common definition is: HACCP is to assess the potential hazards in the food processing process, and then take control of a preventive food safety control system. Different from the traditional quality control methods; HACCP is the raw material, the production process of the influence factors of product safety analysis, determine the key link in the processing process, establish and perfect monitoring program and monitoring standard, take effective corrective measures, will harm prevention, eliminate or reduce to an acceptable level of consumers, to ensure that food processors can provide consumers with a more secure food.
Critical control point for hazard analysis of HACCP. It is a scientific, reasonable and systematic method to ensure the safety of food in the process of production, processing, manufacturing, preparation and consumption of food, and it is a scientific, reasonable and systematic method in the identification, evaluation and control of food. But it does not represent an unacceptable threat to health. Identify possible links in the process of food production and take appropriate control measures to prevent the occurrence of hazards. By monitoring and controlling each step of the process, the probability of occurrence of hazard is reduced.
HACCP HACCP hazard analysis and critical control point HACCP is what meaning HACCP management system HACCP system HACCP standard HACCP how to read HACCP program