有机产品认证 我国对进口的有机产品有什么要求? 发布时间: 2014-11-09 19:31 点击:
有机产品认证 我国对进口的有机产品有什么要求?
What are the requirements of organic product certification in China?
If the imported organic products certified by foreign standards are sold in China and not sold as Chinese organic products, then there is no need to pass the certification of Chinese organic products;
If you want to sell organic products in China, you must pass the certification of organic products in China.
What is organic product certification
The definition of organic agriculture by Codex Alimentarius Commission: organic agriculture is an integrated production management system that promotes and strengthens the health of agro ecosystem including biodiversity, biological cycle and soil biological activities.
Based on clear and strict production standards, organic agricultural production system is committed to the optimization of social, ecological and economic sustainability.
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