QS食品生产许可证监管:QS标志给钱就能印 发布时间: 2011-11-06 20:06 点击:

QS food production license regulation: the QS logo money can give India
QS is the symbol of the production license, product after the mandatory inspection, permission to enter market sale can get. In recent years, Hecheng people accustomed to shopping when viewing the product with or without QS logo. However, this reporter recently visited Qigihar city size supermarket, market, QS mark behind the hidden truths, such as part of the enterprise QS number" one more ", the market still exist some QS mark without QS encoded products, even illegal business, fraudulent use of homemade QS logo.
QS use is not a secret
In a Jianshe Road food wholesale shop entrance, several open boxes stacked, every kind of bread, cakes. Reporter readily took two packets, seen on the back of blue QS quality and safety signs, searched the transparent packaging didn't see QS number. And there is no trademark, origin address bulk Jin Dou printing on a blue QS markers, markers of the paracellular is a mobile phone number, press the number dialed, mobile phone has been out of service. The reporter is" thinking", and operate the computer lady creak sound, the quality is not good, small mill processing, are generally sold to the countryside, you should buy with shelves of regular packing. The reporters to see cake back corner has long green hair, lady called stuff quality, which can have any QS certification, is the manufacturer's own printed on cheap, which can have a number.
QS Logo Money Printing
Producers to India on India? No procedures who printed? Track down sb. By following clues, the reporter visited the ancient road, Longhua Road, Qi Da Road, labor and sanitation around a small advertising companies, small printing plant found, is indeed what procedures do not, as long as money to print.
Yesterday about four forty in the afternoon, the reporter did not take any product, came to the University for over a commercial shop, asking the staff can print QS logo, female boss introduced have stickers printed, printing was slow, and ask how much a. The reporter said ten thousand stickers, about one centimeter in size, female boss agreed, carefully calculated later known plus glue film and other accessories to 479 yuan. Probably less than 5 cents per. Subsequently, the reporter with printing food packaging name, call a small printing plant, printing plant also said that as long as the used printing samples, what kind of pattern to print, whether the enterprise has been QS certification they don't care. On behalf of the mandatory market access authority logo, even for no extra cost.
Mark of QS difficile true
Bulk food, fake food bag with fake QS sign no QS number, then the supermarket, community grocery store status. Reporters yesterday and on the Qi Da perimeter around the campus, 7 supermarkets, grocery store for the town. The results, medium and small supermarkets, grocery store check 20 kinds of food, there is only one kind of liquor partner with QS sign, unnumbered, rest, bread, wine, canned tea, small food and other products, no matter the price high, the packaging of QS mark and number should be all full uniform.