《从优秀到卓越》十佳管理类书籍推荐 发布时间: 2015-01-04 17:01 点击:

"From good to excellent" ten best management book recommendation
"From good to excellent"
Recommended reason: in Jin Yong's martial arts novels, "excellent" mobsters can for practicing "Jiuyin Zhenjing" Kung Fu secrets such and turned into a "excellence" martial arts masters - book is the pursuit of excellence enterprises "human resource configurations".
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在以往大多数的企业管理方面的书都充满了英雄崇拜、炫目的科技以及高速成长的戏剧化故事。"渠道制胜"、"品牌为王"、"技术先导"、"神话"、"创举"、"革命"的报道似乎存在偏方与灵丹妙药能够对于企业发展过程中的一系列诟病"妙手回春";似乎卓越的领导人、先进的技术、伟大的远景、强大的文化等分别是不同企业的杀手锏 ---人们总在寻找企业发展产生突破时所出现的"唯一重要的东西"。
In the past, most of the enterprise management books are full of hero worship, dazzling technology and high-speed growth of the dramatic story. "Channels," winning "the brand is king", "technology leader", "myth", "initiative", "revolution" seem to have a ready-made panacea recipe and to report to the development of enterprises in the process of a series of criticism "bring a patient back to life"; it seems that outstanding leaders, advanced technology, great vision, powerful culture the only important thing in different enterprises killer - people always appears in the search for enterprise development to produce breakthrough "respectively".
The key period of Chinese economy is in a transformation, which had many with vigour and vitality, but in the end only flower briefly as the broad-leaved epiphyllum company (Chinese in recent years this company emerged too much), there are also many changing intersection, I do not know where to go to the company. "From good to excellent" this book, it is stressed that adhere to the simple things well ("hedgehog principle"). Even in the complex time change rapidly, "first crawl, walk, then run" is still the way that the enterprise runs successfully.
Transformation from good to Excellent Companies is a process of accumulation, is a gradual process, is one in which all factors play a role in the system engineering. The transformation process from excellent to outstanding absolutely not accomplish at one stroke. Excellent companies not by a decisive action, a great plan, a killer idea, a good luck, or flashes and become.
On the contrary, the process of change like pushing the ship moving in one direction, the wheel rotates continuously, the accumulation of kinetic energy more and more big, finally a breakthrough in the turning point, vaulted over. Chinese too clever, react too quickly, does not stop with the new action, but not necessarily make sense, so in the Huawei we emphasize "the first rigid, re optimization, and then curing the" take ism. Accumulated from one point one point improvement, the seemingly simple things to the strict discipline, achieve finally reach the acme of perfection, but make a big difference. (Zou Qidong Huawei Technology Co., Ltd overseas optical network product sales manager)