中国环境标志认证—绿色产品的权威认证 发布时间: 2011-10-30 00:47 点击:


China environmental labeling certification, green product certification authority
Today, the global environment deteriorating, the future of the human survival and development are under serious threat, the greenhouse effect, acid rain, destruction of the ozone layer and other major environmental problems has aroused extensive attention from all walks of life. As the public environmental awareness and environmental protection work carried out in-depth, green consumption has become the latest trend of the times development.
    为了保护自身健康,人们需要低辐射、零辐射的彩电、计算机、低重金属含量的儿童玩具等等 .为了保护居室环境,人们需要低甲醛挥发量的木地板和涂料,需要低噪声洗衣机、空调等等。
In order to protect their own health, people need low radiation, zero emission color television, computer, low heavy metal content in children's toys and so on. In order to protect the living environment, people need low formaldehyde volatilization wood floors and paint, need low noise washing machine, air conditioning etc..
In order to protect the ecological environment of the region, people need low pollution emission auto, motorcycle, phosphate-free detergent, can be natural degradation of plant fiber or paper tableware and so on; in order to protect the global environment, people need the Freon comprehensive alternative products, reduced the need for fossil energy consumption of new products, need to be recycled, raise the sources of energy, resource utilization new technology and so on.
This is not difficult to understand, the so-called green consumption, meaning in social consumption not only to meet the needs of contemporary people, but also to meet the needs of future generations. Environmental mark product, is in the green consumption under the birth of. On the environmental protection product inspection, requirements in product design, production, use, pay attention to the environmental behavior of deserted whole process. For thousands of years, people buy goods, thinking only of use value, make some use value but the environmental behavior of poor product retained, leading to the earth today. Under the guidance of the green consumption consciousness, people not only to buy and use value, but also the purchase of environmental behavior, the individual consumption and physical and mental health, the quality of living environment, ecological environment, the global environmental problems are linked. Green consumption and green products environmental protection is pulled into the crowd.
Manufacturers keen to seize this opportunity, have their own product." Not p"," biodegradable"," the protection of the ozone layer"," green products" and other words, enterprises announced "green business", for a time, from the color TV refrigerator, air conditioning, washing machine to washing powder, paint, a large number of" green" product listing. But to consumer, want in a variety of products and environment of the complex relationship between made in favor of environment of choice is almost impossible. When consumers into producers make various propaganda, often used to lose my faith, and" give up" choose environmentally friendly products to. This weakened the stimulating enterprise on environment-friendly products and production process for enterprise investment, even if the production of environmentally friendly products, competition in the market is also not the dominant.