中国环境标志认证产品“李鬼”不少 发布时间: 2011-10-30 00:45 点击:


Certification of Chinese environment mark product" plum ghost" many
Not long ago, Chinese environmental product certification marks the Secretariat of the Commission of the city building materials market roughly unannounced visits, he found only paint a class has more than 50 kinds of products without the approval, authorization in the packaging and promotional material to be printed on environmental mark stately. Consumer just from experts come to understand, to buy materials to choose green environmental protection, environmental labeling was rapidly and widely use.
According to the introduction," environment" is one kind of marking on the product, it shows that the product has not only high quality, but also in the production, use and disposal process is consistent with the requirements of environmental protection, ecological environment and human health are no damage. China environmental labeling product certification work began in 1994, currently has 44 products have certification standards, more than 300 enterprises nearly a thousand kinds of products to obtain environmental symbol. China Certification Committee for environmental Secretariat on behalf of the state to carry out the certification of green products environmental products and grant marks the only mechanism.
The Secretariat complaint supervision minister Yan Yuping said, in recent years with the rise of the tide of green decoration, decoration materials has become the largest area of fraudulent use of environmental signs, paint industry especially. The mechanism analysis that, if the decoration, decoration industry is only 15% to achieve environmental mark product requirements, then you have 112000000000 yuan market.
Since April this year, the Environment Committee of mark product certification organization" Environment Symbol Bank of China" in Shanghai, Jiangsu, Guangdong and other places of business and technical supervision branch cooperate to fall against a number of fraudulent use of environmental behavior, by far the largest together for the same legal person of Guangdong Shunde Jinguan Coatings Group limited company and Shunde Jinlong ink Chemical Co. the company's processing. " Chinese environment mark" the building materials market in Shanghai, Shunde" gold" and" Golden Dragon" company despite the absence of any products through product certification of Chinese environment mark, but two companies all products with environmental mark, on the market, its product distributors usually holding big fake environment mark product certification is recommended to consumer. "Chinese," the staff noticed fake certificate number is 0012, while the coating of certificate to have this number. In mid April, Shanghai industry and commerce department seized the local market on the two parts of the enterprise and environmental mark product.