新乐造船ISO9000质量管理体系和ISO140000环境管理体系通过认证审 发布时间: 2011-10-13 10:11 点击:

Xinle shipbuilding ISO9000 quality management system and environmental management system certification audit by ISO140000
October 8, 2011 - 9 days, quality certification center audit group group 6 people, to the Ningbo Xinle Shipyard Group Company and its subsidiary company Zhejiang Xinle Shipbuilding Company Limited ISO9001: 2008 quality management system for the supervision of audit
At the same time the company; ISO14001 : 2004 environmental management system undertook initial audit.
By two days of strict examination, ISO90000 company's quality management system and ISO14000 environmental management system meeting the system requirements, will be achieved in a month certificate.