东来顺华龙街店食品违规 HACCP认证被停仨月 发布时间: 2011-10-21 23:00 点击:

东来顺华龙街店食品违规 HACCP认证被停仨月
Dong Laishun Hualong street food illegal HACCP certification was stopped SA
Dong Laishun Hualong Street store fresh fruit juice" powder", additive and a small amount of pulp blending together, and the additive has no food quality and safety certification ( this had been reported ). China Certification & inspection group Beijing company said yesterday, the big Hualong street HACCP certification ( an international food safety management system certification ) disabled for 3 months.
Reportedly, Hualong street is big in the city all the chains, the only certified through the HACCP store, and repeatedly been rated as National Congress appointed restaurant. The certification by the China Certification & inspection group of Beijing limited audit issued by. After the accident, the company said very seriously, and promptly sent to the shop to investigate.
The company said yesterday, the company decided to suspend Hualong street HACCP food safety management system certification certificate 3 months, also ask this question timely rectification, and rectification result reporting company. To store the rectification is completed, the company will send the audit team to the scene to verify, qualified after the restoration of the store certificate use.