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有机产品认证 有机食品生产加工更严格 有机产品认证证书 发布时间: 2015-01-08 17:56 点击:

有机产品认证 有机食品生产加工更严格 有机产品认证证书
Organic product certification of organic food production and processing more strictly organic product certification
In the 2014 thirteenth China (Beijing) international organic food and Green Food Expo site, as long as the exhibits attached "organic food" signs, exhibitors will be very sure to tell everybody, their food is organic. Words alone are no proof., in order to let consumers be assured to buy, many exhibitors have also brought the organic product certification certificate.
See the sea in Jilin Province Agricultural Development Co. Ltd. booth, the company not only show in the eye-catching location of the certification of organic products, also a high-profile hit "I have ID".
"A few years ago, some unscrupulous traders' lift 'organic food false sign kite, some qualified certification bodies for the control of organic food are not strict enough, specification, the organic food has become the issue of food, organic food industry and even once suffered a crisis of confidence." Qingdao Wugu Kang food nutrition science and technology limited company sales director Liu Jinshan said to reporters, and now very strict supervision, inspection, to obtain certification is not easy, they each link in the cultivation, processing, transport and so on are strictly in accordance with the standard implementation.
The reporter notices, the Qingdao grain Kang food nutrition science and technology limited company of the products on display, only the whole wheat flour, corn flour, small Rice noodles have certification marks, other products such as pumpkin flour, flour, spinach, celery and carrot flour flour, yam flour is not affixed certification mark. According to Liu Jinshan introduced, such as pumpkin flour, yam flour etc. these kinds of flour is used by certified organic flour, but the proportion of unauthorized pumpkin, yam powder, natural no certification mark.
绝大多数人都知道有机食品更健康,但到底有多健康、怎么健康大概知之甚少。在中合丰景展台,工作人员孙先生向驻足围观的观众详细讲解他们的稻花香有机大米是在怎样的环境中生产出来的。据孙先生介绍,在土壤经过8年有机转换的田地里,用有机叶面肥料对稻花香种子进行育秧,并人工完成插秧、施肥、除草等耕种环节。偏碱性寒地黑土的孕育和充沛的阳光照耀、清澈的拉林河水灌溉……所有大自然恩赐的这一切与现代化农业管理模式有机结合,使得稻花香大米在近 140天的生长周期里自然健康生长。
Most people know that organic food is healthier, but how healthy, how probably know little about health. Hefeng king in the booth, staff of Mr. Sun to stop onlookers audience to explain in detail the rice organic rice they are produced in what kind of environment in. According to Mr. Sun introduction, in soil after 8 years of organic conversion fields, inside of rice seeds with organic foliar fertilizer, transplanting, fertilization and artificial completed, weeding and other farming link. Lalin River irrigation alkaline cold soil incubation and abundant sunshine, clear...... All of nature all this and modernization of agriculture management mode of the organic combination, make the rice rice growth period in nearly 140 days of natural health growth.
"If the price to be cheaper, better." Reporters listen to people say.
By cereals "as an example, if the price is below 15 yuan / Jin, basic is not really organic products." The sales director of Jilin province sea agricultural development limited company Ning King Whyte told reporters clear reason expensive organic food: a lower yield. Compared with the ordinary products of the same kind, organic grains yield low 1/3. The two is the high cost of. Soil organic conversion fields generally require 3 years of time; you must use artificial complete raw material production and product processing; in the raw material production and product processing process, can not use pesticide, fertilizer, growth hormone, herbicides and other chemicals. In addition, add the cost of transportation and other expenses. "Such a calculation, if less than 15 yuan / kg, planting, production inputs cannot be rewarded." Ning Qiuju say for sure.