黑作坊涉嫌冒用他人食品生产许可证,食药监局已立案调查 发布时间: 2015-03-07 23:09 点击:
Black mill alleged fraudulent use of other people's food production license, food and Drug Administration investigation
In January 4, 2015, the food and drug administration law enforcement officers Tunchang according to masses report, Tun Town in foreign trade Po seizure without a license production and processing of cake black workshop, on-site seizure of illegal goods inventory. The law enforcement investigation, the black workshop alleged fraudulent use of other people's food production license, at present the Tunchang food and Drug Administration investigation.
According to the introduction, this workshop is located in the town of Po Tun trade area residents gathered, numbers were removed, all the doors and windows with carton seal, the environment is very subtle. Then law enforcement personnel to enter the on-site inspection, found that workers are ready and surface processing pastry, but the scene did not find the packed product.
After investigation, the workshop without relevant qualifications of food production licenses, and the presence of crude production facilities, the operation of the narrow space, poor sanitation, no health practitioners card problem, do not have the food production safety conditions.
At the same time, law enforcement officers also found two boxes printed with others factory name and address and food production license logo label, of which there are 19000 certificates, 15000 sandwich, 5000 pieces of mung bean cakes label label.
According to the workshop production of the previous boss, cakes have sold out, the day just ready to continue to manufacture cakes, these tags are used to paste in the cake on the packaging processing. They produce cakes sold to nearby towns, rural areas, because there is no label could not be sold, so only use others label adventure.
After a preliminary investigation, the workshop is suspected of fraudulent use of other people's food production license production and sales of its products, law enforcement officials ordered the workshop production, inventory illegal items currently detained on the spot, Tunchang County food and Drug Administration Bureau has on file for investigation and prosecution.
Black mill alleged fraudulent use of other people's food production license, food and Drug Administration investigation
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