ISO9000族认证标准的适用情况 发布时间: 2011-10-05 02:53 点击:

The application of group ISO9000 certification standards
ISO9000 standards are applied to 4 cases, namely quality management guide, the first party and the second party contract environment, second approved or registered and third party certification or registration.
Guide for quality management
  ISO9000族标准用于质量管理的指南时,经过所树立的质量体系不时改进质量,提供 质量动摇的产品,以便以经济有效的方式完成产质量量的要求,从而增强自身的竞争才干。
The ISO9000 family of standards for quality management guide, through the quality system of continuous improvement of quality, provide quality products, in order to economic and effective way of achieving the requirements of product quality, and enhance their competitive ability.
In this case, usually by the own managers to emerging market needs and trends, and the potential risks and benefits of making correct evaluation, that requires the establishment of quality system, quality management and ISO9000 standards, this is the" management to promote".
According to the management the way of establishing quality system is characteristic, top management is in active state, quality consciousness is stronger, actively do well quality management, establish, implementation of quality system.
The first party and the second party contract environment
  在第一方与第二方的合同环境下,通常第二方只关心影响持续、动摇提供产质量量的因 素,以及相应的风险。顾客只需求选择一种详细的质量保证方式(ISO9001、ISO 9002和ISO9003),在合同中规则某些质量体系要素和进程。这种合同情况通常称为“受益者推进”。
In the first party and the second party contract environment, usually second party only cares about the effects of sustained, stable product quality for grain, and the corresponding risk. Customers only need to select a specific quality assurance model ( ISO9001, ISO 9002 and ISO9003 ), stipulate in the contract that certain quality system and process. This contract is usually called" beneficiaries drive".
According to the beneficiaries to promote the establishment of quality system is characteristic, top management in a passive state, to improve the quality of management, the establishment of quality management system lack of consciousness.
Second party accreditation or registration
This is determined by the customer ( second ) evaluation of supplier's quality system, and or to comply with the standards made formally recognized supplier.
Third party certification or registration
This is determined by a certification body in the supplier quality system assessment, and suppliers agree on all customers have to maintain its quality system, unless the customer special requirements. Third party certification or registration can usually be reduced to second party ( customer ) of a supplier's quality system assessment times and / or assessment.