OHSAS18000认证风险 发布时间: 2011-10-16 14:21 点击:

OHSAS18000 certification risk
As everyone knows, in the work or the work environment, there is always such a source of potential danger, may damage to property, harm the environment, affect human health, or even cause injury accidents. These hazards have chemical, physical, biological, and other types of human ergonomics. There will be one or some dangerous accident probability and its potential consequences called risk. Risk probability, damage range, can be used as indexes to evaluate the loss size. The modern occupation safety and health management is the object of occupation safety and health risk.
Risk the loss caused by accidents is various, generally divided into the following several aspects:
  (l) 职工本人及其他人的生命伤害;
( L ) the employee and the lives of others;
  (2) 职工本人及其他人的健康伤害(包括心理伤害);
( 2) the workers I and others health damage ( including psychological damage );
  (3) 资料、设备设施的损坏、损失(包括一定时期内或长时间无法正常工作的损失);
( 3) information, equipment and facilities, the loss ( including damage within a certain period of time or a long time not work loss );
  (4) 处理事故的费用(包括停工停产、事故调查及其他间接费用);
( 4) to deal with the accident costs ( including shutdown stop production, accident investigation and other indirect costs );
  (5) 企业、职工经济负担的增加;
( 5) enterprises, workers and increase the economic burden;
  (6) 职工本人及其他人的家庭、朋友、社会的精神、心理、经济伤害和损失;
( 6) workers and others I family, friends, community spirit, psychological, economic damage and loss;
  (7) 政府、行业、社会舆论的批评和指责;
( 7) the government, industry, social criticism and accusations;
  (8) 法律追究和新闻曝光引起的企业形象伤害;
( 8) law and press exposure caused by corporate image;
  (9) 投资方或金融部门的信心丧失;
( 9) the investor or the financial sector 's loss of confidence;
  (10) 企业信誉的伤害、损失,商业机会的损失;
( 10) corporate reputation damage, loss, loss of business opportunities;
  (ll) 产品的市场竞争力下降;
( LL ) the competitiveness of products in the market decline;
  (12) 职工本人和其他人的埋怨、牢骚、批评等。
( 12) the workers I and other people complain, complain, criticize.
Occupation health and safety accidents include both direct and indirect losses, loss of cost far more than medical care and disease compensation costs, that is to say the indirect loss is generally much greater than the direct loss.
Risk of accidents caused by loss of factors in two categories: personal factors and work / system factors.
The individual factors include:
Physical / physiological structure of ability inadequacy, such as height, weight, lack of stretch, sensitive or allergic;
Thinking / mental ability inadequacy, such as lack of understand, judge the poor, poor sense of direction;
Physiological stress, such as sensory overload and fatigue, exposure to extreme temperature, oxygen deficiency;
Thinking or psychological stress, such as excessive feelings of load, requiring extreme concentration / attention;
Lack of knowledge, such as inadequate training, misunderstanding of instructions such as;
Lack of skills, such as lack of practice;
Incorrect drive, such as improper competition and other colleagues.
Work / system factors include: instruction / supervision, such as delegating responsibilities unclear or conflicting, decentralization, policies, procedures, practices or guidelines give insufficient;