ISO26000社会责任国际标准的意义 发布时间: 2015-01-12 09:54 点击:

ISO26000 international standards of social responsibility sense
For the meaning of ISO26000, Li Weiyang thought, it is a sign of social responsibility development entered a new stage.
The so-called has entered a new stage, from the perspective, refers to the social responsibility is no longer the so-called avant-garde movement of some countries or organizations to promote, or developing countries need to understand and grasp the emerging new trend in the world, but the needs of each country and organization ought to seriously face the decision of gene, development scenarios and the rules of the environmental.
Because of the social responsibility in the process of economic globalization, has become each country and organization must study and application of the new system of knowledge, tools, methods, is must understand and apply the way of thinking, new rules of conduct, is must be familiar with and master the new expression, the new way of communication, we must manage the new mode decision paradigm, change and innovation of the new.
ISO26000 international standards of social responsibility sense