GLOBALGAP认证是不同于有机产品认证和绿色产品认证的一种市场准 发布时间: 2011-10-21 17:24 点击:

GLOBALGAP certification is different from organic product certification and green product certification is a market access certification.
Good agricultural practices to allow the use of synthetic chemical substances, which differs from the demanding organic product certification, and strong operability, and most of China's agricultural products production enterprises accept.
Despite allowing there are limitations to the use of synthetic chemical substances, but different from our country's green food certification: because the formulation of standards, standard-setting basis, standard application range and so on, are green food without any similarities. Thus, cannot be said to have gained the certification of green food, will be able to supply EUREP membership.
Only through the GLOBALGAP certification, can be in the member enterprises shop sales.