GAP认证 ChinaGAP认证分为2个级别的认证 发布时间: 2015-01-13 17:43 点击:

GAP认证 ChinaGAP认证分为2个级别的认证
GAP certification ChinaGAP certification is divided into 2 levels of certification
ChinaGAP certification is divided into 2 levels: Level certification certification requirements applicable good agricultural practice standards in all applicable level control requirements, and at least complies with all applicable good agricultural practice requires a level two control point 95% of the total number of relevant technical specification, do not set the minimum percentage match the level three control points the;
Level two certification requires that all products should at least meet the total level of control points for all applicable module in the 95% requirements, the lowest percentage match does not set the level two control points, three control points.