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TL9000认证 TL9000对认证机构和人员的要求 中鸿认证咨询 发布时间: 2015-02-23 16:31 点击:

TL9000认证 TL9000认证机构和人员的要求 中鸿认证咨询
Hung certification consulting TL9000 TL9000 certification requirements for certification bodies and personnel in the
The certification bodies and personnel requirements
(1) 认证机构: QuEST论坛负责对认可机构的承认,认证机构要想获得TL9000 的审核资格,必须得到认可机构的认可。
(1) certification bodies: QuEST forum is responsible for recognition of accreditation bodies, certification bodies to obtain the TL9000 audit qualification, must be authorized institution.
目前,QuEST论坛已经认可了RAB和SCC两个认可机构,并准备承认所有IAF的成员。从1999年9月15日起,RAB 和SCC已开始接受认证机构的申请,截止到1999年12月15日,共有9个认证机构提出了申请,其中有7个已经通过了验证审核(见附表)。
At present, RAB and SCC two accreditation bodies have recognized the QuEST forum, and ready to admit that all IAF members. Since September 15, 1999, RAB and SCC have begun to accept the application for certification bodies, by the end of December 15, 1999, a total of 9 certification agencies applications, 7 of which have been verified by the audit (see table).
The certification body TL9000 certification process is similar to ISO9001. Must submit a written agreement to institutions, says it is willing to comply with the "TL9000 certification organization operation standard".
Before starting the TL9000 certification, to provide the appropriate documents to the accreditation committee.
Some experts have work experience in the telecommunications industry in the management committee, familiar with the business scope, and have at least one qualified personnel evaluation to assess the auditor qualification.
在最开始的3个月或6次审核中必须有一次验证审核。(具体要求见TL9000质量体系要求 附录A、B、C、D。)
In the first 3 months or 6 audit must have a verification audits. (specific requirements see the TL9000 quality system requirements of annex A, B, C, D.)
(2) the audit personnel requirements:
The auditor:
According to the Commission recognized standards, is a qualified ISO9001 auditor.
To master the latest version of the TL9000 standard;
Completed and approved by the QuEST forum training through:
(a) TL9000 quality system audit course (3 days)
(b)TL9000质量体系要求和指标审核课程(4天); 审核组长: .TL9000的审核员; .在过去10年中必须有2年通讯电子行业的工作经历,工作涉及工程、设计、制造、质量和/或过程控制( 如果没有电讯行业的工作经历,必须参加至少4次20天的TL9000现场审核,审核覆盖所有要素,并经一名合格的TL9000主任审核员验证通过);
(b) TL9000 quality system requirements and metrics review course (4 days); the leader of the audit team:.TL9000 auditor;. In the past 10 years must have 2 years of electronic communications industry work experience, work involved in engineering, design, manufacturing, quality and / or process control (if not the telecommunications industry work experience, must participate in at least 4 times 20 days TL9000 on-site audit, the audit coverage of all the elements, and by a TL9000 chief auditor qualified validation through);
Previously served as head of audit in the first, the site audit must have experience of 20 days (past 2 years), the experience must and telecommunications related.
TL9000认证 TL9000认证机构和人员的要求 中鸿认证咨询
Hung certification consulting TL9000 TL9000 certification requirements for certification bodies and personnel in the

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