RoHS指令限制使用以下六类有害物质 发布时间: 2011-10-30 10:55 点击:


The RoHS command limit using the following six categories of harmful substances
1. 铅(Pb) 使用该物质的例子:焊料、玻璃、PVC稳定剂   
The 1 lead ( Pb ) using the examples of substances: solder, glass, PVC stabilizer
2. 汞(Hg)(水银)使用该物质的例子:温控器、传感器、开关和继电器、灯泡   
The 2 mercury ( Hg ) ( mercury ) using the examples of substances: temperature controller, sensor, switch and relay, light bulbs
3. 镉(Cd) 使用该物质的例子:开关、弹簧、连接器、外壳和PCB、触头、电池   
3 cadmium ( Cd ) using the examples of substances: switch, springs, connectors, shell and PCB, contact, battery
4. 六价铬(Cr 6+ ) 使用该物质的例子:金属附腐蚀涂层   
4 chromium six ( Cr 6 + ) using the examples of substances: metal attached corrosion coating
5. 多溴联苯(PBB) 使用该物质的例子: 阻燃剂,PCB、连接器、塑料外壳   
5 polybrominated biphenyls ( PBB ) using the examples of substances: flame retardant, PCB, connectors, plastic shell
6. 多溴二苯醚(PBDE) 使用该物质的例子:阻燃剂,PCB、连接器、塑料外壳
More than 6 bromine two phenyl ether ( PBDE ) using the examples of substances: flame retardant, PCB, connectors, plastic shell