《福布斯》正式公布第35期全球亿万富豪榜,2,755名亿万富豪登上榜单 发布时间: 2021-04-06 22:45 点击:
Forbes released its 2021 global list of billionaires, with a record number of people on the list
Forbes, New York, April 6 - today, Forbes officially released the 35th issue of the world's billionaires list, with 2755 billionaires on the list, including 493 new ones. Hitherto unknown, novel coronavirus pneumonia is a major event in 2020, and it is a year of great economic impact on the world's major economies. The total wealth of 2755 billionaires reached about US $13.1 trillion, an increase of US $8 trillion year on year.
《福布斯》富豪榜团队负责人Kerry A. Dolan表示:“这是屡破记录的一年,全球新上榜人数和亿万富豪总人数双双创下历史新高。”“此外,2021年首次见证全球亿万富豪财富总额突破10万亿美元大关。创造财富之快令人瞠目”。
Kerry A. Dolan, the team leader of Forbes' rich list, said: "this is a record breaking year. The number of new people on the list and the total number of billionaires in the world have both reached an all-time high." "In addition, 2021 will witness for the first time that the total wealth of the world's Billionaires will exceed the $10 trillion mark. The speed of creating wealth is astonishing.
在题为《财富运作速度》的综述性文章中,《福布斯》首席内容官Randall Lane写道:“财富增加背后的大势却提供了人人可以致富的路线图。我们只需鼓起勇气加以利用,就像利用百年未曾一遇的疫情中挽救下来的事物一样。
In a review article entitled the speed of wealth, Randall lane, chief content officer of Forbes, wrote: "the momentum behind the increase in wealth provides a roadmap for everyone to become rich. We just need to summon up the courage to take advantage of it, just as we have to take advantage of something that has not been saved in a century.
Lane also wrote that although we see turbulence around us, people do not fear difficulties to overcome challenges. Tyler Perry, for example, built his own studio in Atlanta. Or Ugur Sahin, a German Turkish. His company, biontech, broke through years of research and development and developed a new coronavirus vaccine in just a few months. These vivid figures represent the surging economic vitality.
What should we pay attention to in the "2021 Forbes Global billionaire list"
· 前五位亿万富豪:即将成为亚马逊前首席执行官的杰夫·贝索斯连续第四年蝉联今年的富豪榜榜首。埃隆·马斯克从去年的第31位飙升至第2位。酩悦·轩尼诗-路易·威登集团的伯纳德阿尔诺仍排在第3位,紧随其后的是排名第4的比尔盖茨。今年排名前五的是Facebook的马克·扎克伯格。这是20多年来沃伦巴菲特首次未能跻身富豪榜前五位。
·Top five Billionaires: Jeff Bezos, who is about to become Amazon's former chief executive, has topped this year's list for the fourth consecutive year. Elon Musk soared to second place from 31st last year. Bernard Arnault of the Wyatt Hennessy Louis Vuitton group is still in third place, followed by Bill Gates in fourth place. This year's top five is Facebook's Mark Zuckerberg. This is the first time in more than 20 years that Warren Buffett has failed to make it to the top five.
· 新上榜亿万富豪:新上榜富豪中值得注意的富豪包括交友应用Bumble的创始人、首席执行官惠特尼·沃尔夫·赫德,该应用已于今年2月上市。
·New billionaires: notable ones on the list include Whitney wolf Hurd, founder and CEO of Bumble, which went public in February.
· 白手起家的亿万富豪:在2021年的亿万富豪榜上,有1,975名白手起家的亿万富豪,他们自己创建了公司也创造了财富。
·Self made Billionaires: in the 2021 list, there are 1975 self-made billionaires who have created their own companies and wealth.
· 女性亿万富豪:女性亿万富豪从2020年的241人增加到328人。
·Female billionaires: the number of female billionaires has increased from 241 in 2020 to 328.
· 从全球范围来看:亚太地区的亿万富豪数量最多,有1,149人,其次是美国,有724人,欧洲有628人。
·Globally, the Asia Pacific region has the largest number of billionaires, with 1149, followed by the United States, with 724, and Europe, with 628.
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