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QC080000,EIA/ECCB 954,RoHS,WEEE四者之间的关系? 发布时间: 2016-03-20 11:18 点击:
QC080000,EIA/ECCB 954,RoHS,WEEE四者之间的关系?
QC080000, EIA/ECCB 954, RoHS, WEEE relationship between the four?
答:QC080000是IEC在美国标准EIA/ECCB954的基础上编写的国际标 准,是IECQ-HSPM危害物质过程体系认证的实施标准。
A: QC080000 is IEC in the United States standard EIA/ECCB954 based on the preparation of international standards, is the IECQ-HSPM hazard material process system certification implementation standards.
QC080000标准的目的就是通过落实对危害物质的有效管理体系,来达到各种环 保指令对有毒、有害物质的限制要求。
The purpose of the QC080000 standard is to implement the effective management system of hazardous substances, to achieve a variety of environmental protection directive on the toxic and hazardous substances.
而RoHS与WEEE作为全球最早强制实施的环保指令,对各种类型的产品中所含有害物质的种类和 含量都做了详细的规定,通常作为实验室检测的标准,而非管理体系的标准。
And RoHS and WEEE as the world's first compulsory environmental directives, for the kinds and content of harmful substances contained in various types of products to do detailed provisions, usually as a standard laboratory testing, rather than management system standard.
QC080000是以RoHS与WEEE的要求为主要参考的管理体系 技术规范,通过落实QC080000企业可以提升自身的管理体系,从而满足并且可以持续满足这两条指令以及其他类似指令的要求。
QC080000 is to RoHS and WEEE requirements as the main reference management system technical specification, through the implementation of QC080000 enterprises can enhance their own management system, to meet and can continue to meet the two instructions and other similar order requirements.
QC080000 QC080000认证 QC080000体系 QC080000是什么
QC080000 QC080000 certification QC080000 system QC080000 is what