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什么是QC080000? 发布时间: 2016-03-20 11:17 点击:
What is QC080000?
A: QC080000 is the technical standard number within the IEC. QC080000 is currently the only implementation of the IECQ-HSPM system certification standards.
该标准是IEC在EIA/ECCB- 954标准的基础上编写的,因而是IEC体系的国际标准之一。该标准的第二版颁布于2005年10月,一经颁布即成为IECQ-HSPM的实施准则 。
This standard is IEC on the basis of EIA/ECCB- 954 standards, and thus is one of the international standard IEC system. The second version of the standard was promulgated in October 2005, once the promulgation of the implementation of IECQ-HSPM standards.
企业必须满足QC080000标准的所有要求,并通过IEC授权监察机构(Supervising Inspectorates,SI)的审核,才可以通过IECQ- HSPM体系认证,并获得认证证书
Enterprises must meet all requirements of the QC080000 standard, and through the IEC authorized Supervising SI (Inspectorates) of the audit, can only through the HSPM IECQ- system certification, and obtain the certification.
QC080000 QC080000认证 QC080000体系 QC080000是什么
QC080000 QC080000 certification QC080000 system QC080000 is what