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审核员考试题 泰勒所提出的科学管理理论有哪些主要内容?(了解) 发布时间: 2022-01-13 11:22 点击:
审核员考试题 泰勒所提出的科学管理理论有哪些主要内容?(了解)
提高劳动生产率是科学管理理论的中心问题,也是泰勒创立科学管理理论的基本出发点。 泰勒的科学管理理论从管理人员、对工人的要求和管理体制与制度的建设三个方面进行概括:
Improving labor productivity is not only the central issue of scientific management theory, but also the basic starting point for Taylor to establish scientific management theory. Taylor's scientific management theory is summarized from three aspects: management personnel, requirements for workers and the construction of management system and system:
(1)从对管理人员的要求来看,科学管理理论体现为科学管理四原则。 经过研究他提出了主要是针对管理人员的管理四项原则以唤起工人们的聪明才智并鼓励他们努力工作。:
(1) From the requirements for managers, the scientific management theory is embodied in the four principles of scientific management. After research, he put forward four management principles mainly for managers to arouse the talents of workers and encourage them to work hard
(2) From the requirements for workers, the scientific management theory is embodied in the principle of operation management. The principle of operation management is to study the rationalization of workers' operation actions and working hours, study the standardization of tools, machines, materials and working environment, and formulate daily more scientific work quotas and standardized tools to complete these quotas. The evolution of management thought and management theory includes quota management and operation standardization.
3) From the perspective of management system construction, scientific management theory is embodied in the principle of functionalization, incentive wage system and exception principle.
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