GJB9001国军标质量管理体系的发展 发布时间: 2011-10-01 02:47 点击:

GJB9001 military standard quality management system development
Released in 1996 on national military standard ( GJB / Z9001-9004-96 ), implement the" Regulations" "a successful, system management, giving priority to prevention, rule of law, " the dominant ideology, reflects the modern quality concept, adapt to the organization's quality management system integration needs, and actively adopt international standards and international standards. Proved by practice, the preparation of series of military standard principle is correct, in the revised series of military standard in the process to continue to implement the above principles.
Released in 2001, the military standard" quality management system" ( GJB9001A-2001 ) still use the " A+B " mode structure. Is equal to the GB / T19001-2000 as the foundation, increase the military requirements of the special products preparation, which contains the GB / T19001-2001 full content and features, including the implementation of the eight principles of quality management, enhance customer satisfaction and continuous improvement, the use of "process approach" structure.