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什么是两化融合?两化融合的核心是什么? 发布时间: 2022-02-13 16:48 点击:
What is the integration of the two? What is the core of the integration of the two modernizations?
两化融合是信息化和工业化的高层次的深度结合, 是指以信息化带动工业化、以工业化促进信息化,走新型工业化道路;
The integration of informatization and industrialization is a high-level and deep combination of informatization and industrialization, which refers to driving industrialization with informatization, promoting informatization with industrialization, and taking a new road of industrialization;
The core of the integration of the two modernizations is information support and the pursuit of sustainable development model. It refers to that electronic information technology is widely used in all links of industrial production, and informatization has become a conventional means of operation and management of industrial enterprises.
The informatization process and industrialization process are no longer independent of each other, and are no longer a unilateral driving and promoting relationship. Instead, they blend and are inseparable from each other at all levels of technology, products and management, and give birth to new industries such as industrial electronics, industrial software and industrial information services.
The integration of industrialization and informatization is the inevitable product of the development of industrialization and informatization to a certain stage.
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