实施实验室认可原则 发布时间: 2011-10-17 13:34 点击:

The implementation of the principle of Laboratory Accreditation
Laboratory Accreditation Accreditation organization of voluntary application, expert review, meet the requirements of the laboratory will obtain national recognition.
Shall meet the following conditions:
  a) 具有明确的法律地位,具备承担法律责任的能力;
A ) has a clear legal status, have the ability to bear legal liabilities;
  b) 符合CNAS颁布的认可准则
B ) with CNAS promulgated accreditation criteria
  c) 遵守CNAS认可规范文件的有关规定,履行相关义务;
C CNAS ) comply with the relevant provisions of the approved specification documents, perform the relevant obligations;
  d) 符合有关法律法规的规定
D ) in line with the provisions of relevant laws and regulations