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餐饮高级食品安全管理员 培训考试题 免费下载 发布时间: 2012-01-27 21:13 点击:

 "餐饮高级食品安全管理员"培训考试题  免费下载
"The restaurant senior food security administrator" training examination
根据省食品药品监督管理局2011年9月1日开始实施的《广东省食品药品监督管理局关于餐饮服务食品安全管理员的管理办法》(粤食药监法 (2011) 129号)有关规定,餐饮服务单位应当配备符合要求的食品安全管理员,方可申办餐饮服务许可事项。
According to the food and Drug Administration began to carry out September 1, 2011" Guangdong Provincial Food and Drug Administration on food safety administrator management approach" ( Guangdong food and Drug Law ( 2011) No. 129) the relevant provisions, catering units shall be equipped with in line with the requirements of the food safety administrator, can bid for the catering service license matters.
Food security administrators are required in the legal training institutions participate in the unified training, obtain" Guangdong Province catering services food security administrator training certificate" after mount guard.


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