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OHSAS18000内审员考试试题 判断题(每题3分) 发布时间: 2012-01-03 20:03 点击:

OHSAS18000内审员考试试题 判断题(每题3分)
OHSAS18000 auditor examination questions judges a problem ( 3 points for each question )
6、因为厂部刚刚对某车间的设备、作业环境、工艺条件、人员资格、安全管理作过监测和验证,均为合格,所以车间和操作人员没必要再做日常的常规自查。(   )
6, because the factory just for a workshop equipment, working environment, process conditions, personnel qualification, safety management for monitoring and verification, are qualified, so the workshop and the operator need not do daily routine self-examination. ( )
7、委托方可以选择咨询机构,并对审核组长及审核组的组成提出意见。(   )
7, client can choose advisory bodies, and the director of audit and audit group composition comments. ( )
8、内部审核主要是判断是否符合OHS法律、法规的要求。(    )
8, internal audit is to determine whether the OHS legal, regulatory requirements. ( )
9、职业健康安全管理体系文件应在保证活动的有效性和效率的前提下尽可能少。(   )
9, occupation health and safety management system documents should be in ensure the effectiveness and efficiency of the premise as little as possible. ( )
10、组织的风险管理方针由最高管理者批准,不宜员工参与制定和评审。(   )
In 10, the organization's risk management policy should not be approved by top management, employee participation in the formulation and review. ( )