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ISO50001认证,蒙古国Milko有限责任公司ISO50001:2018能源管理体系认证证书 发布时间: 2024-03-24 12:16 点击:
ISO50001 Certification for Energy Management System Certification of Milko Co., Ltd. in Mongolia
Recently, Milko Limited Liability Company (hereinafter referred to as "Milko") has passed the ISO50001:2018 energy management system certification by the ISO certification body and has been awarded the first ISO50001 certification certificate in Mongolia.
Milko是蒙古国领先的食品、乳制品和饮料产品集团 Teso公司(Teso Corporation)的子公司,成立于2009年,以生产富含黄油、适合制作蒙古传统奶茶、脂肪含量4%的牛奶为当地消费者所熟知。目前,Milko的产品除覆盖蒙古国市场外,还远销国际市场。
Milko is a subsidiary of Teso Corporation, a leading food, dairy, and beverage product group in Mongolia. Founded in 2009, it is known to local consumers for producing butter rich, traditional Mongolian milk tea suitable for making, and milk with a fat content of 4%. At present, in addition to covering the Mongolian market, Milko's products are also exported to the international market.
随着《巴黎协定》正式生效,积极落实减少碳排放成为巴黎协定成员国的责任。近年来,蒙古国加强对节能和提高能效工作的重视,并于2017年发布了《National Energy Efficiency Action Program(2018-2022)》(《国家能效行动计划(2018-2022)》),立法要求重点用能企业承担相应的节能减排责任。ISO50001作为一项自愿性的国际标准管理体系,可帮助企业系统、高效地进行能源管理,从而减少对气候变化的影响。国际标准化组织于2018年发布的新版ISO50001,作为提高能源使用效率、降低能源消耗、全球气候变化议程的前沿标准,已成为众多企业的发展目标。
With the official entry into force of the Paris Agreement, actively implementing the reduction of carbon emissions has become the responsibility of member countries of the Paris Agreement. In recent years, Mongolia has strengthened its emphasis on energy conservation and improving energy efficiency, and in 2017, it released the National Energy Efficiency Action Program (2018-2022), which requires key energy consuming enterprises to assume corresponding responsibilities for energy conservation and emission reduction through legislation. ISO50001, as a voluntary international standard management system, can help businesses systematically and efficiently manage energy, thereby reducing the impact on climate change. The new version of ISO50001 released by the International Organization for Standardization in 2018, as a cutting-edge standard for improving energy efficiency, reducing energy consumption, and global climate change agenda, has become a development goal for many enterprises.
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