ISO27001认证 建立信息安全管理体系共有8个阶段 发布时间: 2016-03-13 13:07 点击:
ISO27001认证 建立信息安全管理体系共有8个阶段
ISO27001 certification to establish a total of 8 stages of information security management system
In order to establish, implement and maintain a management system of information security, the principles and objectives of the information security management system should begin planning, identification, classification and clean up the information resources, according to the degree of danger, weak links and occurrence frequency, the implementation of risk control, including withdrawal, transfer, control and eliminate the risk. According to PDCA cycle mode, the establishment of information security management system.
Establish a total of 8 stages of information security management system. Including the determination of the applicable range of isms, planning isms policy and objectives, planning risk control process, risk identification and assessment, risk control analysis, selection and formulation of management scheme, identify the presence of legacy risk and the formal implementation of the ISMS.
ISO27001 ISO27001认证 iso27000 iso27000认证 iso27001国际标准 iso27001证书
ISO27001 ISO27000 certification ISO27000 ISO27001 certification ISO27001 international standard ISO27001 certificate