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ISO20000认证标准 ISO/IEC20000-1 GB/T24405.1 发布时间: 2021-01-18 18:03 点击:
ISO20000认证标准 ISO/IEC20000-1 GB/T24405.1
ISO20000 certification standard ISO / iec20000-1 GB / t24405.1
GB / t24405.1/iso/iec20000-1 is the standard for establishing and maintaining information technology service management system, which specifies the work that it organizations need to complete in the process of providing IT services and support to their internal and external customers.
Through these regulations, the information technology service management system shows a complete set of IT service management process, which aims to help it organizations identify and manage the key processes of IT services, and ensure the effective provision of high-quality IT services to businesses and customers.
Through the implementation of information technology service management system certification, certification organizations can establish a self-improvement PDCA cycle within the organization, establish a system of planning, implementation, inspection and continuous problem discovery and improvement, so that employees have problem awareness, consciously find problems in their own work, and solve the problems one by one through systematic process methods, from the process to the process It also emphasizes the coordination of the enterprise's operational objectives, business needs and it service provision.
ISO20000 ISO20000 certification information technology service management system information technology service management system certification company certification body certification consulting company