ISO/IEC17025国家实验室认可 如何进行实验室的组织设计? 发布时间: 2012-01-27 19:58 点击:

ISO/IEC17025国家实验室认可 如何进行实验室的组织设计?
ISO / IEC17025 National Laboratory Accreditation of laboratory organization design?
Organization design for the purpose of coordinating laboratory activities, make duplicate or conflict is reduced to the minimum. Design organization to consider the customer demand, product, service, environment changes, management idea, target, limited resources, division of labor, rights and responsibilities and other factors. Laboratory organization design can refer to the following principles:
( 1) the range of management principles
Leaders of all levels can effectively manage the number is limited, under the jurisdiction of the more easy to lose control, too little will produce excessive control tendency.
( 2) the ladder principle
The organization should have a clear ownership, each person must know to who is responsible for the supervision and guidance or who.
( 3) set out the principles of business
Every man's work must be defined in advance, will generally assign work.
( 4) the right level principle
The decision should be a corresponding decisions people make all decisions, avoid one.
( 5) authorized principle
The right must be licensed affiliate, in order to better complete their job assignment.
( 6) the principle of unity of command
Every man's work only a direct leadership, will not produce not know what course to take.
( 7) the right and responsibility of the equivalence principle
If a person for a particular job responsibility, then he should also have the corresponding right.
Organization design includes divisions and hierarchical, selection control amplitude, explicitly authorized degree and the relations between power work. Laboratory may be listed first establish the objectives of the organization, and according to the work required to complete the target list, and then the related work portfolio into the appropriate departments and positions, and then provide each position and other positions the relations as well as the departments and positions of responsibility and authority.