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未成年工特殊保护规定 发布时间: 2011-10-16 12:29 点击:

Special protection of minors regulations
第一条 为维护未成年工的合法权益,保护其在生产劳动中的健康,根据《中华人民共和国劳动法》的有关规定,制定本规定。
Article 1 in order to maintain the legitimate rights and interests of the minors, the protection of their labor in the production of health, according to" people's Republic of China Labor Law" concerned regulation, make this provision.
  第二条 未成年工是指年满十六周岁,未满十八周岁的劳动者。
Second minors refers to the age of sixteen, under eighteen years of age workers.
The special protection of minors against minors in the characteristics of growth and development, as well as compulsory education needs, take the special labor protection measures.
  第三条 用人单位不得安排未成年工从事以下范围的劳动:
Third of employers are not minors to engage in the following scope of work:
( a )" production of dust hazard rating" national standards more than the first class of dust exposed;
( two)" toxic grading homework" national standards more than the first class of toxic work;
( three)" above grade homework" national standards for height above the second class homework;
( four)" classification of works in cold water" the national standard in the second class of cold water over homework;
( five)" high-temperature grade homework" national standard of third above the level of the high temperature operation;
( six)" low temperature grade homework" national standards for more than third of low-temperature operation;
( seven)" physical strength rating of" national standards of physical labor intensity of the fourth class homework;
( eight) underground and surface mines quarrying operations;
( nine) the forest industry in the logging, exile and keep the forest operation;
( ten) workplace exposure to radioactive substances homework;
( eleven) with flammable and explosive, chemical burn and burn hot and other high-risk operations;
( twelve) the geological prospecting and exploration of the field work;
( thirteen) diving, culverts, ducted homework and an altitude of three thousand meters above the plateau homework (not including plateau. );
( fourteen) continuous load at six or more per hour and every time more than twenty kg, intermittent weight-bearing each of more than twenty-five kilograms homework;
( fifteen ) the use of rock drilling machine, tamping machine, pneumatic pick, gas shovel, hammer, riveting machine operation;
( sixteen) work takes a long time to keep their heads down, bending, lifting, squatting and other forced posture and movement frequency greater than fifty times per minute, pipeline operations;
( seventeen) of boiler.
  第四条 未成年工患有某种疾病或具有某些生理缺陷(非残疾型)时,用人单位不得安排其从事以下范围的劳动:
Fourth minors suffering from a disease or has some physical defects ( non-disability type ), the employer shall arrange its to be engaged in the following scope of work:
( a )" above grade homework" national standards for height above the first class homework;
( two)" low temperature grade homework" national standards for more than second of low-temperature operation;
( three)" high-temperature grade homework" national standard of second above the level of the high temperature operation;