IECQ-HSPM QC080000认证是强制认证吗? 发布时间: 2016-03-20 11:20 点击:
IECQ-HSPM QC080000认证是强制认证吗?
QC080000 IECQ-HSPM certification is mandatory certification?
答:不是。此认证类似于ISO 9000,为自愿性认证。
Answer: not. This certification is similar to ISO 9000, for the voluntary certification.
各国政府并没有要求企业必 须通过此项认证。但是不排除一些全球知名企业在项目招标或采购招标中附加此项认证要求,正如近年来ISO 9000被越来越多的企业 作为投标的硬性要求。
Governments do not require enterprises to pass this certification. But does not rule out some of the world's leading enterprises in the project bidding or procurement tender additional certification requirements, as in recent years, ISO 9000 is more and more enterprises as a mandatory tender.
In the current increasingly stringent environmental regulations and increasingly fierce competition in the "green" competitive environment, this trend is becoming more and more obvious.
QC080000 QC080000认证 QC080000体系 QC080000是什么
QC080000 QC080000 certification QC080000 system QC080000 is what