符合QC080000标准的必要性 发布时间: 2016-03-20 11:16 点击:
The necessity of conforming to the QC080000 standard
欧盟出台的RoHS指令已于2006年7月1日正式生效。面对该强制指令的实施,相关的产品制造商是否拥有根本性的解决方案?能否避免不必要的测试?能否根据尽职免责(Due Diligence),将企业的运营风险控制在可接收范围之内?在环保意识不断增强的趋势下,如何突破技术贸易壁垒已成为国内外多数电子制造企业急待解决的问题!
The EU introduced the RoHS directive has been formally effective in July 1, 2006. In the face of the implementation of the mandatory directive, the relevant product manufacturers have a fundamental solution? Can avoid unnecessary testing? Can be based on due diligence exemption (Diligence Due), the company's operational risk control in the range of acceptable? How to break through technical barriers to trade has become an urgent problem to be solved in most electronic manufacturing enterprises at home and abroad!
IECQ HSPM-QC-080000 认证将助您一臂之力。QC080000是在假定公司已有质量管理体系的基础上,侧重于技术方面的要求,从培训员工到如何控制有毒有害物质,进行全面的审核。
HSPM-QC-080000 IECQ certification will help you a helping hand. QC080000 is based on the assumption that the company has a quality management system, focusing on technical requirements, from the training of employees to how to control the toxic and harmful substances, conduct a comprehensive audit.
目前,世界500强企业都已了解,QC080000 对于绿色过程管理的实施非常有利,这同样包括对RoHS和WEEE等指令的符合。
At present, the world's top 500 companies have learned that QC080000 for the implementation of the green process management is very favorable, which also includes the RoHS and WEEE and other instructions in accordance with.
QC080000 QC080000认证 QC080000体系 QC080000是什么
QC080000 QC080000 certification QC080000 system QC080000 is what