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ISO认证,中国是ISO的成员国并且是ISO的发起国之一 发布时间: 2012-08-26 21:55 点击:

ISO certification, China is a member country of ISO and ISO is one of the initiators
ISO(International Organization for Standard) 是国际标准化组织的缩写代号,也是国际标准化组织颁布的国际标准代号。
ISO ( International Organization for Standard ) is the international organization for standardization abbreviation, is the international organization for standardization promulgated by the international standard code.
Such as ISO9001, ISO14001 is the organization issued Order No. 9001 and 14001 international standard.
International Organization for Standardization ( ISO ) was founded in 1947, is a non-governmental international organization, is the largest international standardization organizations, whose membership includes more than 100 countries and regions, with more than 2600 technology organization.
China is a member country of ISO and ISO is one of the initiators.