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学校如何贯彻应用ISO9000认证标准 发布时间: 2011-10-28 15:41 点击:


The school how to apply the ISO9000 certification standards
ISO9000 family management implication of prevention, supervision and self improvement of three scientific management mechanism.
In schools in the implementation of ISO9000 quality standards can be standardized management of the school, and can be as soon as possible the establishment of modern school management system, implement the ISO9000 quality standard must fundamentally change the education idea and service consciousness.
The ISO9000 quality standard the first core idea is" customer first" ideology. Education is seen as a service, the traditional education ( student ) and their parents become" consumer".
Under this guidance, the school pays attention to and meet the interests of consumers and the requirements to become inevitable, and this brings about a series of changes in school work. From the implementation of ISO9000 quality standards at the school, obtained better result.
Such as Shanghai business school accounting implementation of ISO9000 quality standards, the school education services management go on a new track.
The school top management to implement ISO9000 quality standards, is to introduce market mechanism, competition mechanism into the school good practice, systematic, scientific establishment of school internal management platform, the work to avoid arbitrariness, subjectivity and blindness, thereby enhancing the overall management level and the level of school teaching, based on the original sustainable development provides system guarantee.
据新华社 2002年 11月1日报道,通过 ISO9000认证,南京赤壁路小学成为“中国第一”,该校应用ISO9000质量管理体系后,根据对学生、家长满意程度的调查,对学校提供的教育教学服务基本满意率达到97.7%,教师的满意率也达到了99.6%。
According to the Xinhua News Agency reported on November 1, 2002, through the ISO9000 certification, Nanjing Chibi Road Primary School to become" China the first", the application of ISO9000 quality management system, according to the student, parent satisfaction survey, the school provides education in teaching basic service satisfaction rate reached 97.7%, teacher satisfaction rate reached 99.6%.
Because of such effects. Therefore, there are many schools want to itch for a try, see its wide scope of influence.