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环保认证,国际奥委会总部获得环保白金认证 发布时间: 2024-05-14 15:16 点击:
The International Olympic Committee announced on May 13, 2024 that their headquarters in Lausanne, Switzerland, Olympic House, has been awarded the Platinum v4.1 Award for Leading Energy and Environmental Design.
The Olympic Home was completed and put into use in June 2019, and was awarded the Platinum v.4 for its energy-saving and environmental protection characteristics by the Environmental Protection Building Agency. This time, the daily operation and maintenance management of the Olympic Home have been reviewed by relevant institutions and have once again received high praise.
According to the International Olympic Committee, in this test with a maximum score of 100, Olympic Home received 82 points, which is also the highest score for this certification in Switzerland and can rank in the top 10% in Europe. International Olympic Committee President Bach stated that the operation and maintenance of the Olympic House, the headquarters of the International Olympic Committee, has obtained Platinum v4.1 certification as a leader in energy and environmental design, and the Olympic Committee is proud of this.
During this audit, relevant agencies evaluated key indicators such as water and electricity usage, waste disposal, air quality, user experience, and personnel commuting at the Olympic Home. The results showed that compared to the previous old Olympic building, the new building had reduced energy usage by half per square meter.
Since 2019, the International Olympic Committee has achieved a 50% reduction in non recyclable office waste generated by each employee, thanks to measures such as reducing the number of trash cans, minimizing disposable plastic products, and promoting recycling.
In addition, the International Olympic Committee has taken measures to promote positive and healthy lifestyles, with over 60% of employees now using sustainable modes of transportation such as walking, cycling, or public transportation.
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