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ISO14000认证,实施ISO14000标准认证的现实意义 发布时间: 2012-01-05 21:18 点击:

The implementation of ISO14000 certification, ISO14000 certification standards practical significance
The implementation of ISO14000 series standard is beneficial to realize economy to grow way from extensive model to intensive model change. The standards of the enterprise from product development, design, manufacturing, circulation ( packaging, transport, use ), scrap to reuse the whole process of environmental management and control, so that products from the" cradle to grave " whole process are in line with the requirements of environmental protection, with a minimum of investment to maximize the environmental benefits and economic benefit.
实施ISO14000系列标准有利于加强政府对企业环境管理的指导,提高企业的环境管理水平。据调查大约目前环境污染的问题有一半以上(有的达2/3)是由于管理不善造成的,所以政府的干预作用、法制的规范作用和标准的指导作用将会有效地控制和解决这些问题。实施ISO 14000,首先要求企业对遵守国家法律、法规、标准和其它相关要求做出承诺,并实行对污染预防的持续改进。
The implementation of a series of ISO14000 standards is conducive to the strengthening of the government to the enterprise environmental management guidance, improve the level of environment management. According to the survey about the problem of the current environmental pollution more than half ( some 2 / 3 ) is due to mismanagement, so the government intervention, legal norms and standards guidance will effectively control and solve these problems. Implementation of ISO 14000, first of all require the enterprises to comply with national laws, regulations, standards and other relevant requirements of commitment, and the implementation of continuous improvement for pollution prevention.
实施ISO 14000系列标准有利于提高企业形象和市场份额,获得竞争优势,促进贸易发展。随着全球环境意识的日益高涨,“绿色产品”、“绿色产业”优先占领市场从而获得较高的竞争力,提高了企业形象,取得了显著的经济效益。获得了ISO14000的认证,就如同获得了一张打入国际市场的“绿色通行证”,这是宣传企业产品和形象的最好广告。可以预言,在21世纪,企业是否通过ISO 14000认证将是进入国际市场的重要条件。相反,在这种潮流下,不能通过ISO14000的企业必将面临“绿色壁垒”的挑战。
The implementation of ISO 14000 series standard is helpful to improve the enterprise image and the market share, gain a competitive advantage, promote the development of the trade. As global environment consciousness is increasingly rising," green product"," green industry" priority of occupation of the market in order to get a higher competitiveness, improve the corporate image, obtained remarkable economic benefits. Obtained ISO14000 certification, as obtained a piece to enter the international market" green passport", this is the promotion of enterprise products and the best advertising. It can be predicted, in twenty-first Century 14000, whether the enterprise through the ISO certification will be the important condition for entering the international market. In contrast, in this trend, not through the ISO14000 enterprise will face the challenge of" green barriers".
The implementation of ISO14000 series standard is helpful to decrease the energy consumption, improve resource utilization, reduce the production of pollutants and emissions. For example, as the ISO14001 certification through the pilot enterprises - Beijing Panasonic CRT limited company in order to improve the environment, reduce the emission of pollutants has taken a series of reform measures: abolition of Freon cleaning process, eliminating the annual dosage is 40 tons of Freon cleaning agent pollution, thereby reducing the damage to the ozone layer; the abolition of the sandblasting. Gross working procedure, reduces the noise and dust pollution. Shandong Yanzhou Mining Bureau Nantun Nissan water 10000 cubic meters, they completed 2400000 Yuan investment mine water, purified water used in coal washing plant, power plant and mine production, reuse rate of more than 40%. On the establishment of environmental management system in coal mine process, continuous improvement to solve the reuse problem, and further used for baths, swimming pool and a power plant expansion project, eventually make mine water reuse rate reached 100%.
实施ISO 14000系列标准还有利于减少环境风险和各项环境费用(投资、运行费、赔罚款、排污费等)的支出,从而达到企业的环境效益与经济效益的协调发展,为实现可持续发展战略创造了条件。如通过ISO 14001认证的试点单位—河南新飞电器有限公司,在建立环境管理体系过程中对九分厂进行污水治理,新建污水站;对三厂进行板线噪声治理;对2台10吨锅炉治理;对三九厂进行引风抗噪声治理等,使排放污染物全部达标,免缴排污费513,340.92元/年。 实施ISO 14000系列标准还有利于改善企业与社会的公共关系。如由于减少了噪声、粉尘等污染,势必减少了周围社区的抱怨,从而改善了社区公共关系。
The implementation of ISO 14000 series standard is beneficial to reduce the environmental risk and environmental costs ( investment, operation cost, pay fines, fees and other expenses ), so as to achieve the enterprise environment benefits and economic coordination development, in order to realize the sustainable development strategy to create the conditions. As of 14001 through ISO certification pilot units - Henan Frestech electrical limited company, in the establishment of environmental management system in the process of the nine plants for sewage treatment, the new sewage station; on three plant plate line noise control; 2 sets of 10 tons of boiler control; on three nine plant for wind resistance to noise control, so that the discharge of pollutants all standards, exemption from sewage charges 513340.92 yuan / year. The implementation of ISO 14000 series standards and to improve the enterprise and society public relations. As a result of reduced noise, dust and other pollution, which will inevitably reduce the surrounding community complained, so as to improve the community public relations.