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实施GAP应注意什么? Implementation of GAP should pay attenti 发布时间: 2011-10-26 21:05 点击:


Implementation of GAP should pay attention to what?
1.  GAP主要关注新鲜果蔬的微生物危害,没有解决与食品生产和环境相关的其他问题(比如:杀虫剂残留、化学污染物)。
1 GAP mainly focus on fresh fruits and vegetables microbial hazards, unresolved and food production and the environment related to other issues ( such as: pesticide residue, chemical pollutants).
In the assessment of the most GAP can facilitate operation process microbial harm reduction recommendations, growers, packers and transport should make great efforts to establish the solutions to avoid inadvertent food supply living environment may increase the risk of.
2.  GAP焦点在于降低风险而不是消除风险。
2 GAP focus is to reduce rather than eliminate risk risk.
The current technology can not be removed completely and fresh fruits and vegetables is relevant to all potential hazards.
3.  GAP仅提供广泛的、一般的科学原理,操作者应使用指南以帮助评估特定生产条件下(气候上的、地理上的、文化和经济上的)的微生物危害,适当实施经济有效的风险降低策略。
3 GAP only provides extensive, general scientific principles, the operator should use the guide to help assess the specific production conditions ( climatic, geographic, cultural and economic .) a microbiological hazard, proper implementation of economic and effective risk reduction strategies.
4.  随着信息和技术的深入发展,人们将不断扩大识别和降低食品微生物危害的理解,政府机构也将不断采取措施(如适当修订GAP或提供附录或增加指南文件)更新GAP的建议和信息。美国FDA和USDA  鼓励操作者从州或地方的公共卫生、环境、农业、服务机构、联邦机构和服务延伸部门去寻求更多的帮助。
4 with the development of information and technology, people will continue to expand the recognition and reduce foodborne microbial hazards understanding, government agencies will continue to take measures ( such as GAP or provide appropriate revision of the appendix or increase the guidance document ) to update the GAP proposal and the information. The United States FDA and USDA encourages operator from state or local public health, environment, agriculture, service organizations, federal agencies and the extension of the service sector to seek more help.