ISO/IEC17025国家实验室认可 ISO/IEC 17025中监督主要指什么? 发布时间: 2012-01-27 20:00 点击:

ISO/IEC17025国家实验室认可 ISO/IEC 17025中监督主要指什么?
ISO / IEC17025 National Laboratory Accreditation ISO / IEC 17025 supervision mainly refer to?
In ISO / IEC17025 supervision mainly for personnel supervision, because laboratory staff is very important, is the first resource, only to control, to ensure data accuracy, reliable.
Accreditation criteria such as" 4.1.5.g" ) pointed out:" there are familiar with the detection and ( or ) the calibration method, program, purpose and result evaluation of the staff of the testing and calibration personnel included in training staff for adequate supervision";
5.2.1 provides:" when using staff who are undergoing training, appropriate supervision shall be provided";
5.2.3 states:" in the use of contractors and additional technical and key support personnel, the laboratory shall ensure that such personnel are qualified and subject to supervision".
Laboratory for testing / calibration personnel full supervision, supervision is to ensure it has engaged in the testing and calibration work starting ability and sustainable ability.
Monitoring the dynamic and static. Dynamic means that whenever and wherever possible, without notice, the personnel at the scene detection and calibration process of supervision;
Static means has plans for personnel detection and calibration process of the implementation of supervision, the new equipment commissioning process of staff supervision, to in the training of personnel's operation and the original records of the audits and other.